Well I finally got the cajones.....

by hoodwinked 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • hoodwinked

    Gidday to all you "apostates"....or should I say "truth-seekers" on J-W.com

    I have been "lurking" on this board for about 3 months and I finally feel ready to say something about the situation that I am in right now. It's rather tenuous because I was recently baptised <1yr ago. I have family "inside" so to speak and I have been trying to get them to take a good long look at the BORG (love that name! ) to see for themselves what they are involved in.

    Funny part is they have been treated so shabbily by the so called "loving" elders. They see it as Jehovah's way of keeping the ORG clean, and we all know how much of a joke that is .

    I began to really see what these people were capable of after I had witnessed this "unloving" treatment. It really started the whole ball rolling so to speak. If they wouldn't have been so heartless and cold I don't think I would have ever began to question the ORG. They exposed themselves by their own "works".

    Shortly after baptism I saw the coldness of most of these people. I can't say they were all cold, some were very warm and friendly to me but to my amazement it was the so-called "sprirtually weak" ones who showed the most christian love. I believe to be "spiritually strong" as they coin it, you have to be cold and unfeeling. Which is exactly what I believe someone who is indoctrinated for long enough period of time eventually becomes (haughty and cold). With their your-gonna-die-but-we'll-be-living-on-a-paradise-earth-oh-if-you-would-only-succumb-to-the-brainwashing-and-control-you-too-could-live-forever attitude.

    There is no fellowship in this ORG. At least for the new ones on the outside looking in. If one's not in a clique, or one's not related to everyone else, good luck to ya! They say that we are all brothers in the faith but try cracking some of the fleshly-family "cliques", or just regular old "buddy-buddy" cliques that are abundant. No chance bucko! Outsiders not welcome! The fake smiles and greetings took a while for me to catch on to but eventually I realised that it was all just a show to make themselves feel good inside. Some were sincere but for the most part not many were. Very few even congratulated me on my baptism. That set off some warning signs to me but I thought, "ahh what the heck..were not perfect, some people are shy and so on".

    Then came the interference in my personal life and the control tactics that I have heard so much about from other members here. I can certainly relate to it. I am purposely being vague with my story because there are still some issues that I must settle before I complete the break. I have suffered minutely at the hands of this hypocritical BORGINISATION compared to many of you and I just want to say that I feel terrible for you. They will have to answer for what they have done sooner or later!

    Sorry if I sound pissy but I don't like being made a fool of. I will take alot of the blame because I should have investigated this group more before I got involved with it. I have family inside and I got caught up in the "love" they showed me at the start and to me that was good enough. Stupid naive, gullible me. I was prime for the pickin' as they say.

    Thanks all for listening to my abbreviated story.I have learned so much about WTBTS, Jehovah' Witnesses in general and about my self since reading this forum. I just want to say THANKS to all of you and especially to Simon for making this all possible. You're doing an awsome job man! Looking forward to many posts in the future and getting to know as many as you as I possibly can. Especially SYN. She is an absolute RIOT!!! You owe me 4 pairs of underwear girl! I can't understand why she isn't writing comedy screenplays for tv or movies. YOU ROCK!!! Keep up the good work.



  • myself

    Nice post Hoodwinked, btw WELCOME!

    If one's not in a clique, or one's not related to everyone else, good luck to ya! They say that we are all brothers in the faith but try cracking some of the fleshly-family "cliques", or just regular old "buddy-buddy" cliques that are abundant.

    I used to think this was a problem in the congregation I was in....until I moved and saw the same problem again. By the time I was DF'd and moved to another town (3rd cong.) I wasn't ready to give them a chance. I was reinstated but did an immediate fade. The 3rd was nice enough when I was reinstated but by them my faith in kindness was lost, and I wasn't going to go thru the anguish of finding out. I do agree there are some very sincere sweet people who are trying to do the right thing, however they seem to be few and far between. I believe those few will receive blessings for being christain.

  • Gopher

    Welcome to the board!

    Well this cold, cruel treatment by the self-proclaimed "most loving organization on earth" is enough to drive away people who have real feelings. Fortunately for you, you were able to spot it and begin the separation before many years passed by. Some of us -- well it took longer for it to get through our thick heads, but better late than never!

    You are right that those who have worked their way up to a so-called "spiritual status" are often the coldest. I believe that the elders with the most "notches in their belt" (who show themselves to be real tough guys) get to be the ones who advance up that congregation ladder the fastest. I don't believe this is what Jesus had in mind when he said "by this all will know you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves".

    BTW, SYN may owe you 4 pairs of underwear, but he buys men's underwear. But yes we do have some talented and funny people on board here. I hope you enjoy your stay here!


  • Swan


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Howdy hoodwinked!

    Come on in, the water's fine! I think your named is aptly chosen. Don't minimize what you went through. I can hear the anger and betrayal in your words and I am truly sorry, but at least you have learned the truth about "the truth". I used to pray to God to see the world as it really is; well I got my wish (careful what you ask for, eh? ). There are many people here who are still going to meetings or have family who are active Witnesses so you will fit in quite nicely.

    I'm very glad you're here. I'm off to get a cup of tea. Want one?


  • pharisee

    Hi Hoodwinked,

    Just be glad you were only "in" or baptized for a year, and figured it out. Some of us were born into it and had no way to get out. I wish you the best of luck in your exodus.

  • Tatiana

    Welcome Hoodwinked......

    Hopefully, in a little while, you can change your name....



  • SYN
    Especially SYN. She is an absolute RIOT!!! You owe me 4 pairs of underwear girl! I can't understand why she isn't writing comedy screenplays for tv or movies. YOU ROCK!!! Keep up the good work.

    Uh, *cough cough*. Thanks for the compliments, but I'm actually a guy didn't mean to dissappoint! And welcome!

  • greven

    Welcome to the board Hoodwinked!

    I hope you have a really good time!

    Especially SYN. She is an absolute RIOT!!! You owe me 4 pairs of underwear girl!

    So...SYN, would you like to talk about it? C'mon...there is no need to hide your true self... LOL


  • qwerty

    Nice to have you on my the board Hoody (Can I call you hoody?)



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