Should A Covid Stimulus Bill Be Helping Other Countries?

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Going back to the original question: Should a stimulus bill be helping other countries: Off course not, unless it is directly stimulating the original country.

    Eg. you could see where keeping low oil prices by stimulating the economy of a good ally such as Israel or UAE would be helpful, since low cost oil is necessary to keep the economy going, especially since Biden is going to cut off domestic supplies.

    I however don't see where helping terrorists like Iran (aka Palestine), or African countries that shift Islamic leadership every few years in bloody conflict, or China/Russia/EU that have its own communist agendas is any helpful.

    On the topic of stimulus, quite honestly I don't think stimulus is helpful at all. Bush did a major stimulus bill, Obama then came along and raised taxes and healthcare costs to pay for it all. Under Obama we payed more taxes EVERY YEAR than any of us received in the stimulus and our deficit still grew out of control due to regulatory overhead. Trump somewhat balanced it out again with major regulatory reform which stimulated the economy to levels we hadn't seen since the 1950's, but he never really got around to fixing the deficit problem, which compared to GDP (pre-COVID) didn't really grow but also didn't get reduced.

    You want real stimulus: cut taxes and regulations. Why do we give people $600 when 4 months from now we have to pay much more than that in income taxes? Simply cut income taxes by $600-2000/year.

  • DesirousOfChange


    There really, really should be testing required to qualify to vote.

    Read the constitution -- originally only landowners were allowed to vote. That raised "the bar" for who had a vote in important issues.Today, some places allow "illegals" to vote. Why should they have any "say" whatsoever in decisions in this nation?.

  • Biahi

    Anyone here illegally should not vote. Period.

  • titch

    In reply to the question.....Nope. It should not be helping other countries. It should only be for assisting U.S. Citizens. And, U.S. businesses. That's all.


  • JWPrince

    It's absolutely ridiculous that American politicians are still concerned with other countries before their own citizens. They shouldn't spend $1.00 on anything until there isn't a homeless person on the street, or a child going hungry in America.

    People had a chance to change the system. Trump wasn't the most eloquent of people, but he doesn't put up with any politicians bullshit. And he wanted to clean up the swamp. He set the example for having unpaid politicians. There should be term limits instituted that prevent dinosaurs like Pelosi, Feinstein Biden, McConnell and hundreds of others from making a career out of fucking up America while getting rich themselves.

    But instead, people want a president that they don't have to hear about in the news cycle everyday. Well, I hope they enjoy the hell they created for us all again.

  • minimus

    I’m glad the president has not caved in.

  • millie210

    I am surprised there are no "dislikes" and no counter-arguments on this thread.

    Is there no one who likes the idea of so much funding leaving the United States and its citizens?

  • DesirousOfChange

    Is there no one who likes the idea of so much funding leaving the United States and its citizens?

    Apparently over 50% of the members of the US Congress like that idea.

  • millie210

    Good point Doc.

    Of course, Congress is still getting pay raises on an already wealthy salary they get paid (couldn't bring myself to say "earned").

    For those of us here who post and who are also known as "the taxpayers" who are funding all of this, there is no support for what Congress is trying to do?

  • Simon

    A lot of the money earmarked for foreign countries won't actually be spent there - because it will be entrusted to NGOs which will syphon off the funds for their own purposes.

    How do people imagine politicians on $100k salaries end up worth $millions? They get paid from all the "work" they do for these NGOs and charities.

    Just like here in Canada, Trudeau was funnelling government funds to a "charity" that then paid his family large sums for "speaking engagements" (sometimes, of just 2-3 minutes). No charitable work is ever done. You and I pay for it with our taxes. The elites in charge get richer.

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