A chapter on The Trinity

by Doug Mason 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    Was Jesus not a normal human?

    Was he a pretend human?


  • TheWonderofYou

    How much effort and deepness it takes today to understand this one matter, the theological meaning of Jesus and Jesus death. For us all the ancient metaphors like ...jesus the scapegoat, Jesus the lamb, jesus blood safed us, the sprinkling of blood at the altar, the wine is the blood and the bread is the body of Jesus at the Lords evening meal, the slaughtered pessach lambs who were eaten at the evening meal at the pessach festival. e.g. remain actually in a fog unless we have one how interpretes the terms for our century and our philosophy.

    We have little understanding of greek and judeo-christian philosophy at all and especially what the terms that are used in the new testament like "mercy seat", "blood" for as magical cleansing tool in a religious system of purity and how Jesus blood is used as metaphor to describe how christians are cleansed.

    Likewise who understands today how the thinkers in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th century understood why Jesus was the LORD or the demarcation between triniy and subordination. If we think of how confusing it is for us today to interprete the "Understanding" of Charles Taze Russel or Rutherford or Franz exactly, we would often err and mix up the teachings, and now think how difficult to interprete the sayings of people who lived in the 3rd century e.g. The trinity is formulated in terms and language of people who lived in the antique, to consider!

    Therefore especially for this deepness and broadness I have so much respect for your hard work and I appreciated your work because I am also ongoing searching this subjects.

    For me it somehow ranges in order with works of modern theologians who interprete Jeus death not as payment to the father (the payment or legal aspect could be seen only a metaphor, although a sacrifice was always a financial burden).

    Your work includes so many details that are helpful for former and actual JW to overthink their understandings how a sacrifical death of Jesus could be seen more as act of love than as payment, especially considering your arguments about Paul who used practically any metaphor to support/explain in the judea-christian language the notion that Jesus was the "prodigy".

    Paraphrases like "The blood of Jesus safes us"....are hardly to explain today, does it mean the liquid, the life-principle, or does shedded blood stand for his devotion, which is respresented by blood, the whole life-work of Jesus.. and who are we to interprete that?

  • snowbird

    Hi, Doug.

    I submit, and the Bible asserts, that there was nothing "normal" about Jesus of Nazareth.

    However, we are given to understand that He was fully human.

    Now, THAT is the mystery!

    Thanks for challenging us to think.


  • Irishdub
    Doug : If God "gave his Son", then Judas, the High Priests, and the Romans were the good people, doing God's work.

    My thoughts ..Please advise ;)

    Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost Luke 14:28 (Divine Mind calculates multiple variables / Schrödinger's cat ? ..Isaiah 55:11)

    Eternal (hidden) Plan (pre-Edan ) For...Children of God as perfected images..mind and incorruptible bodies...Ephesians chapters 1,2,3,

    Adam was only a *type* of the ONE to come.romans 5:14 (who is the figure of him that was to come.)

    Jesus had to come *EITHER WAY* due to consequences (good or bad) of free will minds. Jesus the man obtained the goal of man and for man. Matthew 17:2, psalm 8 Hebrews 2 (what is man ?)

    however, free will choices showed he needed to overcome death (for man) also, at this point in his earthly life, he had already overcame the satan and sins's consequences. However, the *TYPE* of DEATH was NOT designed by God, the satan shot *himself in the foot*, as he killed (influenced others) the *AUTHOR of LIFE* ..aka HIS (the satan's) LIFE SOURCE ...Acts somewhere;)

    Then Judas, the High Priests, and the Romans were the good people, doing God's work ...

    *Motivations* are weighed by the Father and Jesus ...Cardio-Gnostic

    cheers ..thanks again for your great prolific docs...ME JEALOUS

  • Irishdub
    TheWonderofyou ..Paraphrases like "The blood of Jesus safes us"....are hardly to explain today, does it mean the liquid, the life-principle, or does shedded blood stand for his devotion, which is represented by blood, the whole life-work of Jesus

    Brilliant ! simply put in ONE word ..*OBEDIENCE*

    letter to Hebrews (NT) is a masterpiece of metaphors and analogies ..imho .luv it !

    ALL *good thoughts* that inspire *good motivations* in us

  • snowbird

    Ah, I just love these discussions.

    Acts 3, 5, 10, 13.


  • Irishdub
    Ah, I just love these discussions.
    Acts 3, 5, 10, 13.
    Sylvia/ Snowbird

    Priceless ... ...Are you a snowbird in Florida ?

    Im located in North Florida

  • snowbird

    No, I'm from ALABAMA - the Black Belt area.

    Snowbird is a childhood nickname.

    I have loved the Sacred Scriptures all my life.


  • Irishdub
    Sylvia : No, I'm from ALABAMA - the Black Belt area.
    Snowbird is a childhood nickname

    Ok ...I married a southern bell from Jacksonville FL. recently..

    I have loved the Sacred Scriptures all my life.
    yup, A loving letter from our Father, that we are not left in slavery, but an inheritance awaits those in Christ's inheritance (second Adam) in the New Creation through and in him ..(Ephesians ...somewhere) lol
  • snowbird


    You, sir, are a hot mess!

    Ephesians 1-2-3.

    It's amazing how Bible texts come alive w/o WT filters.


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