(Bible's) God will do whatever he wants

by Cota Samuel 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    Welcome Corta S

    I don't believe in the bible or god, so it's no good asking me.

    But I hope you get the answer you want.

  • Saved_JW

    1- The bible never says man [and women] were created "Perfect" it says after creation they were "good" This is one of those JW doctrines and major Christian assumptions being read into the text.

    I have always had a problem with the word "perfect" used to describe humanity, because quite honestly, if that was the case, we would not have sinned in the first place. The biblical narrative of the fall would make absolutely no sense at all. This of course assumes that we have an accurate understanding of what the word perfect means, Jesus used the word in his ministry and the word used meant "To be made whole" in this context, perfect means a wholeness with God, that does not come from yourself. Being made whole would come from God.

    2- Another error is to think that a "loving God" = All Benevolent. This is a huge assumption that many people get tripped over when they see clear examples of God not being loving in scriptures [example: Flood killing men women and children, God ordering the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Killing the Amorites]

    There is a distinction to be made between God being Loving, and God is Love. The point here is that God is the perfect standard for what love actually is. In other words, God does not conform to an outside standard of this feeling called love, and we can somehow judge from our limited perspective whether or not God conforms to that standard of Love.

    3- Our Choice to Choose him. From what I can see biblically, the Elect of God are chosen before the foundations of the world were set. Read Romans 9, God chose Jacob over Esau "Before they did anything good or bad" our natural state is rebellion against God, this is the sin we all have. Sin separates us from God and our choice is to always do what God hates. Actions will always be based on that predisposed nature for what is bad. It takes an act of God [regeneration] for us to be able to respond to God , and the Holy Spirit to produce "good" works.

  • cofty

    In other words love can mean murdering thousands of babies in cold blood. Genocide, slavery, forced marriage and rape are all loving according to Saved_JW

    Didn't Jesus say something about love having something to do with treating others as you would have them treat you?

    Do you feel love when people kidnap and rape your daughters, murder your infants and carry you off as a slave?

    This is a classic example of christian sophistry. The intellectual dishonesty of theists knows no bounds.

  • cofty
    From what I can see biblically, the Elect of God are chosen before the foundations of the world were set. - Saved_JW

    So your god picks and chooses his friends and enemies before they are even born and then judges those he didn't choose for not having faith, even though they can't have faith unless he chooses them.

    What a prick your god is.

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