Trying to Send German Comedian to District Convention :-)))))

by GermanXJW 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • GermanXJW

    Well, Stefan Raab is a famous German singer and comedian, maybe comparable to Tom Green. He usually harasses big events and let the people there look a little stupid. He even it made to represent Germany at the European Song Contest with a song that made no sense at all. :-)

    I found out that he has a board where you can make suggestions for his show.

    Well, I was little vicious and thought: "Well, a District Convention would be a good place to go." and posted it to his board:

    Click Here

    You could do me a favor:

    Click on the link.

    At the buttom there is a box "Thema bewerten" which means "Rate topic".

    Please choose "5 - sehr gut" - very good.

    Thankyou for your vote. ;-)

    I am sure he will not start studying. ;-)

  • GermanXJW

    Sigh, how can I make the link clickable?
    Thanks for any hints.

  • Matty

    I guess you have to go into the HTML mode and type:

    <a href="">Click Here</a>

    Click Here

    like that?

    I've seen Stefan Raab on German telly, and he's nutz! Letting him loose at a convention will be a riot!

  • GermanXJW

    Doublette deleted.

  • GermanXJW

    Thanks for your help, Matty.

    BTW, Raab has strange ideas but he seems rather intelligent to me which makes his victims look dumber. He is also a successful song producer.

    He has a daily show at 10:15 p.m. which is quite popular among the young people.

    I wonder if he dares to come to a DC or if it is to controversial. Could also be a problem because it is in the summer months when the show could be on vacation.

    At least he has a feature in his show called "Raab in Gefahr" ("Raab in Danger").

    I am looking forward to this years DC.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I did my bit to help out, but I swear, you Germans have a different word for EVERYthing!

    I think maybe I just bought vinyl siding for my garage and some kind of weird personal plumbing apparatus.

    Guten Tag,

    - Nathan

  • MacHislopp

    Hello GermanJW,

    a brilliant idea! I do hope that he'll go to a District Conventio.

    Please, keep us informed.

    Thanks, J.C.MacHislopp

  • alliwannadoislive

    ok - i voted a 5 too

    best of luck matey

  • Been there
    Been there

    Eingabefehler! Benutzen Sie den Zurück-Button Ihres Browsers oder klicken Sie hier!

    This is all I got and I haven't got a clue what it says.

    None of it looks like 5 to me, sorry.

    Does it say "Congratulations! You just won a Million Dollars?"

  • GermanXJW

    Been There, what have you done?

    It says "Input Error, Push the Back Button of Your Browser and Try Again"

    It is the box at the buttom of the page on the left. It says "Thema bewerten:"

    There you can pick "5 - very good" and push "Go".

    But maybe you just destroyed it. ;-)

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