Once I was talking to myself: “Religions are all about
sacrifices (and rituals), viewing God as a means to get forgiveness of sins and
material benefits, and Bible is no exception. Yet the foundation of the
universe is on the never-failing Principle of Cause and Consequences, something
which God will never violate. Forgiveness of sins is a violation of Principle
of Cause and Consequences—something that Bible itself ironically upholds in
Galatians 6:7 and in many other verses! Hence all religions—including the Bible—make
no sense!”
I got up from the sleep—ACTUALLY I WAS DREAMING, and the above talk was my mind’s talk to me in my dream!!!
“I cannot see my soul” is not a valid excuse. Because I have not seen my own face other than its reflection on the mirror or its picture on some paper/canvas. Though I use my eyes to see others, I cannot see my own eyes. Just like our eyes made of physical elements cannot see our eyes, physical eyes cannot see the immaterial entity that uses those physical eyes! Hence the immaterial soul should be seen reflected in the mirror of intelligence or reason!
That was the beginning of my disassociation with JWs whose one of the teachings is that we do not have an immortal soul!