Did You Know Jehovah & Jesus Attend Meetings & Want You To Scrub Floors?

by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • greven

    Since Jehovah and Jesus are present invisibly at these gatherings

    Now I am sure that if either of them want to answer a paragraph question they would be ignored by the watchtower study conductor! What would they think of that! Do they also go out in fieldservice or should they be counted as inactives? Do they have a bloodcard?


  • Gopher

    If Jehovah and Jesus are present at these Kingdom Halls, then why the need for circuit overseers to go around and make sure everyone is obeying the organization?

    If Jehovah and Jesus were there, they'd surely be aware of who is and who isn't obeying the organization. Then they'd whisper their reports into the ears of the Governing Body. The Governing Body could save a lot of money on circuit overseer automobile leasing and insurance premiums that way!!

  • crinklestein

    You mean Jesus and God are with me when I'm taking a dump too!!?? Is there some kind of material that would hide my naked butt from the eyes of God? That's just creepy.

  • TresHappy

    Sounds like more of the cheap forced labor to me. Maybe if every JW cleaned up after their OWN mess, Jehovah wouldn't want us to scrub floors and clean toilets.

  • mattnoel

    I have enough trouble keeping my own place clean let alone someone elses !

    If Jah is so powerfull why cant he clean his own place !

  • bikerchic

    This is a bit off topic but I laugh all the way to the bank with the money I make as a humble housecleaner!

    I've recently been in the job market and yes with no formal education I am reduced to low wage minimum wage jobs. This means if I put in a 40 hour work week I could make a megar income which absolutely no one could live on in today's society. Yet I am told that to do this type of work I am above those who scrub toliets and floors, humpt! I have decided after (little) thinking that I would much rather clean houses and make some real moolah! Yes I do windows (and charge more), ovens (and charge more), Iaundry (and charge more), I will make your house sparkle so you can go work on your executive high paid jobs. I am so thankful that someone has got an education so I can clean up their messes and charge more!

    Katie (of the learned to make the best of any situation class)

  • crinklestein

    This is just another way to instill guilt into everyone. To make them feel that someone is always looking over their shoulders in a disapproving way. That God and Jesus will always think that you need to do more for them. That you are always lacking and are never good enough. They want to instill that inner voice into head that will always say, "What would God think of this? Would Jesus approve of that?" So that you are always questioning everything you do. This way they can thrive on your guilt when you don't live up to their standards.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Minimus,

    thanks for this gem! Another one for the file!


    "This is just another way to instill guilt into everyone. To make them feel that someone is always looking over their shoulders in a disapproving way. That God and Jesus will always think that you need to do more for them. That you are always lacking and are never good enough. "

    Very well worded. I do agree entirely.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHiislopp

  • minimus

    Maybe that's why most Witnesses aspire to be in the cleaning business.

  • KistByQpid

    I hear ya Biker chick!

    Never been a JW...but I've scrubbed floors. I have an education TODAY because I was able to find a night job that paid well. Unfortunately, the word "janitor" is often used as a slur. It is "lowly" work that everyone thinks they are "too smart" and "too good" to do. I earned a four year degree (BS H.D.) working as a "janitor" in public schools...they PAY. The people that looked down on me then, are STILL uneducated and working for pennies over minimum wage... As they say, money all spends the same.

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