Cult alley

by starScream 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cellomould

    About a year and a half ago, I lost a really dear friend to a cult...I didn't know much about it, or what it was called, but it was some sort of new age/yoga cult.

    I am mentioning this because I saw her today. Her eyes were very happy to see me, but out of her mouth came lies. For example 'I am just being polite'. She talks to me as long as the topic is not at all personal. And I cannot remember the last time she called me by my name.

    For a while, I thought maybe something I did upset her.

    But thinking back, she was ditching some 'friends' to spend time with me. She seemed to be getting over inhibitions that bordered on agoraphobia and/or claustrophobia. And there was another inhibition she told me and masturbation...she said she was abstaining for personal reasons. But who ever abstains from those for purely personal reasons? Not even Gandhi did that for personal reasons.

    But as she opened up to me, she started to feel free to talk about sex; she told me 'hey, sex is not shameful'. And she even let her hair down once when she was with me, something that I had never seen her do before.

    She laughed once about how the group she was spending time with was 'kind of like a cult' but at the time I thought little of it.

    I think I encouraged her all I could. She still seems to like to be around me, but she doesn't want to put any effort into a friendship.

    It saddens me, especially since my father has recently tried to accuse me of being 'an apostate'.

    Well well well

    People cannot think for themselves.

    Should we take this personally?


  • jgnat

    Rebel was speaking about what he had seen and heard - a reliable eye-witness. Molhie, you said:

    the rc would love anything, nazis, terrorists whoever if it could boost their flagging membership, they dont even follow the bible but thats ok isnt it?.

    Molhie, are you speaking about the Roman Catholic religion from your personal experience, or from what you have been spoon-fed (oops, I meant read)? Read this link if you dare. be a good witness, you have to speak about what you, personally, have seen and heard. Third hand testimony is not allowed in a court of law, nor should it be given much credence here. Molhie, what kindnesses have you seen the KH extend to those who have been disassociated and disfellowshipped? Remember, eye witness only.

  • Satanus


    Welcome, my little cult member. We don't get many of you here.

    "persecute their former co members"

    Could you give some documentation?

    " just tear down and destroy faith."

    Alright, i might do that. But tell me, can facts be torn down/destroyed?? Can knowledge be torn down/destroyed?? So then, what is faith, really, especially faith in the wt society organisation, the wt magazine, the elders etc?


  • rebel


    On the contrary. The RC religion is growing, as is Islam and many other religions. Yet you still insist you are the only 'true' religion that is growing, at least according to the last talk I heard (only this morning). Yet, in my almost-ex congregation, they can't plug the hole quick enough - for every new convert, roughly 2 leave by the back door.

    I have no desire to return to the RC religion any more than I intend to remain a JW. It is a case of the pot calling the kettle black - JWs (mis)interpret the Bible one way, other religions do it their way.


  • TR

    MoleHill =

  • starScream

    cmon TR is that really necessary? I mean it is funny but not very nice and it is off the topic just a little bit.

    Im sorry for that moulhie


    Hey StarScream, how's it going? Yeah, the concentration of cults in some areas must have some people in some areas really scratching their heads.

    Raelians, I know they have some sort of outlet up here where I am. I just keep hearing that song by Alice Cooper from "Flush The Fashion": CLONES

    In Canada, some areas have a heavier concentration of cults than others; some areas have a heavier concentration of Jehovah's Witnesses than others.

    We have a few real 'out there' cults, and I'm sure some that are so esoteric, that NO one knows who they are and that they even exist.

    No worries, no need to offer Moulhie an apology.

    Your post was interesting, got me to thinking about who or what may be in my neighbourhood.

    THEN...a post out of left field had nothing to do with the question you asked.

    Hope to see more posts from you. Take care .

  • m0nk3y
    MOLHIE_NIGG says yeah i have this really annoying group called ex jws who winge, whine and persecute their former co members. sickining really!!!.

    Hmmmm its funny really isnt it .. I mean the fact thats exactly what your doing :)

    I don't beleive in any of this crap .. I have my own set of rules made up by me, we are born knowing what is wrong and what is right ... and love let me just start by saying .. your face is WRONG!

    *flips switch* CLICK!!


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Ive got the "Raven Taylor" Exclusive Brethren cult just down the road in a side street.This is a pretty major cult in so far as cults go. Theyre probly the most extreme of the extreme Brethren groups. I stumbled onto them by chance. Id seen them proselytizing around my area so I knew they were around. I was driving thru a side street one Sunday afternoon and saw the women in the car park of the church with their telltale head scarves.The church looks like a fortress behind a large wire fence. I might have to mosey down there one day when Im free.

  • JH
    So who has whacky annoying cults in their area?

    We don't have that many whacky cults in my area. I think that in the US, there are more whacky cults like you call them, than in Canada.

    But what starts in the states, finishes off in Canada sooner or later.

    Didn't the Jehovah Witnesses start off in the states?

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