The Dead, Obsolete Watchtower Religion of 2023

by metatron 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Utopian_Raindrops


    Don’t throw that album out yet!!!

    Mi Tia Rosalinda will not be called anything but SPANISH and we’re Mexican! LOL

    She thinks she’s hi-society. I think Marcos should know about how some in Mejico are of European decent and do not want to be mixed in with the Natives.

    My Aunt totally cracked me up one day calling one of my sister’s friends Indio! The kid was an Anglo who tanned real well!! Better then us “Spanish” with our green-eyes and light skin.

    What one likes to be called is by region not by nationality. Throughout Latin America people have their own names for themselves.

    So call who ever what ever you want (that is nice anyway) and let that individual correct you if it is important for them.

    Hope you didn’t mind me saying so Marcos. I understand your sentiment.

    Gotta luvz you guyz,


  • Marcos

    Don't go throwing away your treasures, SixofNine!

    And to Utopian_Raindrops: No problem, Mija (old guys like me get to call young ladies "mija"). Lived in the US. I know a lot of Hispanic people there prefer to be called "Spanish".

    I'm also mostly of European descent. But, we as a nation, regard ourselves as Mexicanos not Spanish. The Spanish and French did quite a number on us but our sense of nationality is very strong.

    It is, however, funny when someone gets called "indio". It can be anyone who is viewed as "uncultured". Been called that myself a few times even with my blond hair and blue eyes!

    Stick out like a sore thumb here in Southern Mexico!

    DARN! You English people can be soooo sensitive!

    Anyway, enjoying the banter with you all.


  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Marcos since you are old….{{{hugs}}} HugAbuelo!

    I’m glad in Mejico the people’s sense of nationality is strong. Here en Los Estados UnidosUnited States of America it can be confusing. In some groups you are not Spanish enough or Mexican enough. Among Anglos if you have a drop of anything other then Anglo-Saxon blood you are not American enough!

    I admit there are places where MOST of the people are more tolerant of others differences but that was not until recent years. Let’ see what this conflict with Iraq does for tolerance in The U.S.

    I can’t believe someone called you “Indio”!! It cracks me up how people can be! I can imagine how you stick out too!

    My father has dark hair but is very white. Once he was sitting in a restaurant and a lady across from him was complaining of the bus boy and telling him how Mexicans should not come up here unless they learn our language…etc…etc. My father just smiled and replied, “My wife thinks the same thing.” Then when the bus boy came back my dad started talking to him in Spanish loudly for the woman to hear! She was so embarrassed she left without finishing her meal!! Laughing

    We have so many stories like that living here in Angloville.

    Glad you enjoy the banter….hope our paths cross again.

    Adios Abuelo,

    Utopian_Raindrops:butterflytwo: (Butterfly)

  • Marcos


    Tío, please mija, tío. I think I put my foot in it! You are the first to call me abuelo. But, I asked for it. I'm 53. Not quite ready to be called abuelito, but it does have a nice sound. And thanks for the hug.

    Here en Los Estados Unidos it can be confusing.

    I know what you mean. I have long years of experience in Estados Unidos. However, to even suggest that people of various ethnicities are not "real Americans" can almost get you killed too!

    Here, as in the US, Canada and other nations, the sense of national identity is very strong. Mexico is regarded as the leading Latin American nation (at least by us). I spoke with the Guatemalan consul one time about a trip to Guatemala. In the converstion, he said that for them (the Central American nations), having a Mexican passport was about like having a US passport. Mexico weilds a lot of influence politically and economically south of the border.

    We love our country in the same way US citizens love theirs. We have a lot of problems but we prefer to deal with them in our own way.

    There is a lot of racial intolerance here too. Think of the US in the 50's and before when people would talk about "that chinaman" or "the Polack" and you see about where we are as far as PC goes.

    I've also done the thing where you speak the language in front of the person who thought you couldn't. It can be hilarious. It has also back-fired on me.

    I tend to worry about the individual soldiers (all the military) who will go to Irak. Opinion is divided here. Most, however, don't want to see a war. We also have countrymen who are in the US military. Relatives by blood, family members.

    On the other side we feel for the civilians (and the conscripted soldiers) who will be "in the line of fire" in Irak. But of course, we worry about our "cousins" up there in Gringolandia. US citizens are often referred to as "our cousins" here. Sort of a joke but not too far off the mark.

    I also look forward to crossing keyboards with you more in the future, mija. I read almost all of your posts. Problem for me is that my time is limited and it is hard for me to reply to every post I would like to reply to.


    Tu Tío

    P.S. This is NOT a correction, only an observation. In Mexico we spell the word with an "x". It is a hold-over from the 15th century. Some names like Xavier sometimes are spelled this way and retain the hard "h" sound. But, I know that in most other countries they spell it "Mejico".

    P.P.S. Another thing. Have you ever gone to Canada and said something like "American money" or something similar? I have and was immediately told that "We are also Americans". Same thing here and also down to the tip of South America. We are too, by definition, "Americans". In Mexico, we are not only "Americans" but we are "North Americans", living in the United States (of Mexico): It's true!

    I think you are probably well aware of the things I have said. Sometimes, though, I just feel like "setting the record straight". Just the mutterings of an old man... No, wait! I'm not so old yet!

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