2 Peter 1 = Deity of Christ.

by towerwatchman 99 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • towerwatchman

    To Cofty

    I answered you several times. The proper thing to do is to continue the discussion from there. You keep going back to square one as if you are hold the smoking gun. Come on follow the program

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    towerwatchman...You joined 7 days ago, you have started three topics, and you have created 81 posts. But you have yet to post on any topic other than your own. I think this is a great waste, as this site can be used like a "juke box" Believe me their are other topics than your own. Also it would be nice if you started topic 4 by introducing yourself, I think it would make very interesting reading?

  • cofty

    TWM you haven't began to address my questions. You have waffled off on tangents and obfuscated. You pretended not to know about infanticide in the bible and challenged me to provide a reference. I have now given you three examples. Over to you.

  • cofty


    1 - When the armies of Joshua carried out god's instructions to kill hundreds or even thousands of women and infants in cold blood were they doing something that was objectively good?

    2 - Is infanticide normally objectively bad but it becomes objectively good if it is ordered by god?

    3 - If you had been in Joshua's army and you were commanded by your god to kill hundreds of unarmed women and infants in cold blood, one by one using a sword, do you hope you would have the faith to obey god or the courage to defy him?

  • towerwatchman

    To Cofty

    Again I answered you several times. The proper thing to do is to continue the discussion from there. You keep going back to square one as if you are hold the smoking gun. Come on follow the program

    Let me help you out. Go back to where I first answered you about slavery and God using Israel as an instrument to dispense His justice.

  • towerwatchman

    To Rebel

    I agree. I believe that when I start a thread its my responsibility to answer each post. With all that happens in life, as of now the only time I have to dedicate to this barely covers my threads. in the future i will look at other threads.

  • fukitol

    Pathetic thread.

    The Trinity dogma frankly just proves what an absurd fools errand joke 'Christianity' and the bible (small case intentional) are.

  • cofty


    1 - When the armies of Joshua carried out god's instructions to kill hundreds or even thousands of women and infants in cold blood were they doing something that was objectively good?

    2 - Is infanticide normally objectively bad but it becomes objectively good if it is ordered by god?

    3 - If you had been in Joshua's army and you were commanded by your god to kill hundreds of unarmed women and infants in cold blood, one by one using a sword, do you hope you would have the faith to obey god or the courage to defy him?

  • towerwatchman

    To Fukitol

    Atheist or Agnostic?

  • towerwatchman

    To Cofty

    Is this the best you can do? God is a God of love but also a just God. There would be no value if there was no justice. When God ordered Joshua to kill all the inhabitants He was using Israel as His tool to dispense justice. Why not argue the flood where God killed everything minus what was in the ark. Because in Joshua's account, the ugliness of sin is experienced. Now since I was in Joshua's army, and having experienced all the miracles from Egypt to then, and having seen how powerful God is, I would not hesitate to obey.

    Why just dwell on this? This is between God and the inhabitants of those cities. If you are arguing that then you can and should bring into the equation, God offering you eternal life with no physical strings attached. Similar to winning the lottery and refusing to accept it based on a foolish argument favoring convicted criminals.

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