I thought New Zealand was a DECENT country!

by The Fall Guy 11 Replies latest social current

  • JimmyYoung

    The UK and other countries have been covering up Muslim rapes and murders for years. Kahn's Londumb is now experiencing many knife attacks and other crimes. Even the liberal Monty Python cast like Palin and Cleese said they do not recognize London anymore and the liberal idiots piled on.

  • steve2

    The judge in the trial cited in the OP has said that the suppression order is not permanent. It has nothing to do with whether or not New Zealand is a left- leaning country because current legislation on name suppression was passed into law when the conservative National party was in power.

    Once it is announced whether or not the defendant will appeal his 17-year sentence, the suppression order will be revisited by the Judge.

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