I thought New Zealand was a DECENT country!

by The Fall Guy 11 Replies latest social current

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    A criminal in NZ- in this case a murderer - has the right not to be identified - even after conviction? An

    QUOTE: "Why was Grace Millane’s murderer granted anonymity? The reasons for the so-called suppression order, like the name of the killer himself, cannot be given for legal reasons." https://www.itv.com/news/2020-02-21/grace-millanes-killer-jailed-why-cant-we-name-him/

    Total secrecy! Who created such protections for criminals?

    All civlised countries should automatically name & shame such convicted scumbags.

  • karter

    I live in N.Z and the reason may be that if they name him Vigilante's may take it out on his family.

    Its a bit pointless not naming him as the name suppression order only applies in N.Z,It's not hard to find his name online.


  • Vidiot

    Is he a minor?

  • Simon

    The UK is now covering up the report on Muslim child-rape gangs, because ...

    ... well, no one knows, although really everyone knows.

    Governments are not here to protect law-abiding citizens, they protect the criminal, the vile, the murderous, the scum.

    For what reason? For civility?

    You'd have more civility if justice was done, and sometimes real justice is cruel, and should be demanded.

    It seems to be a particular weakness of the western, liberal world - the inability to confront evil and to truly remove evil. Almost like we can't believe anyone can be truly that bad. They can, and should be killed.

  • hoser

    Like Canada New Zealand has become a libtarded country. Rule of law is not enforced, criminals are given more rights than their victims and the unfortunate bastards that work for a living foot the bill.

  • waton

    police. judges. politicians ( the latter for good reason from both sides) have come to fear to stand up, to honour their oath.

  • smiddy3

    Gangs from immigrants are now taking over the streets of Melbourne making it an unsafe place to be after dark especially.

    And if by any chance they do get a conviction its a slap on the wrist in most cases.

  • waton
    Gangs from immigrants are now taking over

    s3, not just Melbourne in Berlin a gang of immigrants stole a $ 4.5 million gold coin.

    caught and convicted to 4 years and less jail time!. followup: crown jewel heist in Dresden.

    Police and judges in fear, criminals rule., dictate sentences

  • LoveUniHateExams

    New Zealand's a nice country but its authorities and institutions have been infected with social justice thinking.

    Expect a right-wing, conservative government to be elected within the next 10 years.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Lawmakers are victims of their own liberal arts education. Our universities have been cranking out this sociological garbage for 6 decades or more now.

    You are now seeing the fruit ripen.

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