Canada may get a new government today

by Simon 64 Replies latest social current

  • Simon
    We now have a MAJORITY LIBERAL government !
  • OrphanCrow
    talesin: ,,,,,, is Newfoundland Blue or Red?

    Red, red, red, and Red...all over and counting...

    It is looking like we will have a Liberal majority before the night is over...

    * beat me to it, Simon!

  • Finkelstein

    Justin Trudeau is the next and new Prime Minister of Canada.

    He looks like a 30 something youngster, ........ both unexpected and interesting

  • truthseeker100
    Is any body surprised!!!!
  • truthseeker100
    He's the best of all evils
  • talesin

    omg, I can't believe it OC! Just checked CBC and ALL of eastern Canada is Red. I know a lot of NDP people who planned to vote Liberal, for fear that the West would carry Harper, and voting NDP would split the vote. HOLY SMOKE.

    Let's hope it's a majority gov't, because if it's not, there will be WAR in Parliament. hahaha!

    So, it's been a slice, but I only get 5 posts per day, so I'm outta here.


  • Finkelstein

    Yes I was thinking the PCs were going to remain in power but losing some seats to the NDP.


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Trudeaumania was the nickname given in early 1968 to the excitement generated by Pierre Trudeau's entry into the leadership race of the Liberal Party of Canada. Trudeaumania continued during the subsequent federal election campaign and during Trudeau's early years as Prime Minister of Canada.

    Many young people in Canada at this time, especially young women, were influenced by the 1960s counterculture and identified with Trudeau, an energetic nonconformist who was relatively young. They were dazzled by his "charm and good looks", and a large fan base was established throughout the country. He would often be stopped in the streets for his autograph or for a quick photograph. Trudeau had once sympathized with Marxists and had spent time in the democratic socialist Cooperative Commonwealth Federation, and many of his fans were attracted to his socially liberal stances (he legalized homosexuality and created more flexible divorce laws as Justice Minister under Lester B. Pearson). Trudeau was also admired for his laid-back attitude and his celebrity relationships; in that word's prevailing use at the time, describing a modern, hip and happening person, he was described as a swinger. A high point happened during Trudeau's election campaign in 1968 during the annual Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day parade in Montreal, when rioting Quebec separatists threw rocks and bottles at the grandstand where Trudeau was seated. Rejecting the pleas of his aides that he take cover, Trudeau stayed in his seat, facing the rioters, without any sign of fear. The image of the politician showing such courage impressed the Canadian people, and he handily won the election the next day.[1][2]

    Trudeaumania began to abate after Prime Minister Trudeau married Margaret Sinclair in 1971, but he is still remembered as one of Canada's most polarizing politicians and prime ministers; fondly recalled by many Central and Eastern Canadians, but unpopular in the western provinces and among conservative thinkers and Quebec nationalists. He was named the Canadian Newsmaker of the 20th Century by the Canadian Press at the dawn of the year 2000. When he died later that year, there was an outpouring of public grief, and he was again named Newsmaker of the Year for 2000 itself. In 2004, he was voted the third-Greatest Canadian by CBC viewers, after Terry Fox and Tommy Douglas.

    A Canadian board game of the early 1980s, "True Dough Mania", was titled with a pun on the phenomenon. The game was a satire on Canadian politics.

  • truthseeker100
    I know the Trudeumania you talk of this guy is half of his mother's wondering ovum so we'll see what happens??
  • OrphanCrow


    And Harper falls. Big time.

    Canada is speaking. Canada is shouting.

    Talesin, it will be a Liberal majority for sure - a sweep like never before. I think this election will prove to be already has, Nobody has done what Justin has. He is taking his party from third place to a solid victory. A huge win. Huge. Never before done.

    Fuddle duddle to you Harper! Lol !!! And BOOOMMM Harper falls... :) and all the king's men and all the king's horses couldn't put Harper together again...

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    Canada's new Prime Minister

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