First time back in a KH in 8 months

by Normalfulla 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Normalfulla

    So... one of my employees is a miserable servant and was giving the PT and invited me to come knowing full well I was faded out, I go along cos I respect him and thought why not, I must admit I was a little nervous headed back there (a neighboring hall not my old one) I saw alot of familiar faces and some old friends who were aware of my fade, all so pleased to see me at a meeting again and I can sum up how I felt about the experience like this..

    Have You ever been to a party and been the only sober person there and are totally aware of the ridiculous things said and going on? That's what it felt like except the party would have been more fun of course,... all these good people, drunk off their heads on WT propaganda and false hopes, the irony was the talk was titled "does your life have meaning?". Of course the talk gave examples of people helping humanity in various ways but ultimately gave the conclusion that the only purpose to find happiness in one's life is to do what WT says (no surprises there), there I was thinking how my life after leaving has more meaning than it has ever, Living it, enjoying the moments that are here and now not begrudgingly doing something I feel I have to ahhh! Life is beautiful... THIS life is beautiful, to all those stupid #bestlifeever instagrammers out in service, enjoy yr dogshit #chocolatepudding

    "Easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled"

  • schnell
  • tepidpoultry
  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    "Is it ME? Is it ME??? It's them, right?"

    YES, this time it IS THEM - and I'm so glad.

    Normalfulla, i appreciated that party illustration, it's right on the mark!

  • scratchme1010

    ...there I was thinking how my life after leaving has more meaning than it has ever, Living it, enjoying the moments that are here and now not begrudgingly doing something I feel I have to ahhh! Life is beautiful...

    That part of your post is just precious.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Have You ever been to a party and been the only sober person there and are totally aware of the ridiculous things said and going on? That's what it felt like except the party would have been more fun of course,... all these good people, drunk off their heads on WT propaganda and false hopes, the irony was the talk was titled "does your life have meaning?".

    The only sober person at a party.....the perfect description of how it feel to attend a meetings again.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Have You ever been to a party and been the only sober person there and are totally aware of the ridiculous things said and going on? ~ NormalFulla

    That is a fantastic analogy! It reminded me of all the "WTF?" moments at our last several meetings. . . . Doc

  • WTWizard

    Being the only sober person at this event, title of the talk "Does your life have meaning".

    Well, my life would have meaning if Satan and His Demons were part of it. Joke-hova made my life a drudgery. Getting up, going to work, going in field circus, work, boasting sessions--they can take that abomination they have the nerve to call "a life" and shove it right into the heart of the Pleiades. And that's where it can stay.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Normafulla " interesting the talk was titled " Does your life have meaning?"

    Actually I have given a lot of thought as to why I felt as a witness I had a meaningful life. I have concluded my life in the Watchtower was meaningful, because I was respected, and active in what I believed in . However a happy life, was more important to me than a meaningful life and being respected. So when I no longer believed, I sacrificed the respect that gave my life meaning and searched for happiness instead. Hope that makes sense?

  • eyeuse2badub

    Very nice post! Nice to be sober after all these years! Sad to see so many life-long friends still drunk on the wt wine!

    just saying!

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