Warning Distressing Footage Relates to Genesis 19, Sodom & Gomorrah

by Slidin Fast 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    This week's meeting stresses GOD's justice and righteousness in destroying the "wicked" people of the above cities. We are told how patient and just big J was in this matter. Finally with a regretful shake of his head, he dispenses justice .

    Gen 19:24 Then Jehovah made it rain sulfur and fire on Sodʹom and Go·morʹrah—it came from Jehovah, from the heavens.+ 25 So he overthrew these cities, yes, the entire district, including all the inhabitants of the cities and the plants of the ground.+

    In China, huge numbers of pigs have met the same end. The following video is one of the most distressing I have ever seen. If you choose to watch it remember you will never unsee it. Please use your discretion, just the sound track is heart breaking.


    We are expected to believe and rejoice in the notion that GOD will once again exercise, shaking his head in distaste, the same justice, to destroy almost the whole population of the earth.

    There are many issues raised in the above barbaric footage here used in support of veganism. I choose to relate it to the barbarism of the Chinese system and that of the belief system we are expected to embrace.

    Sleep well.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    "I'm so annoyed -- if you don't do exactly what I tell you to, I'll just have to kill the lot of you!".......... Such is the morality and standard of justice from the Biblical Jehovah. Most humans have a better sense of fairness than this tribal deity.

    Are the Chinese becoming the new scapegoat for the sins and tribulations of USA?

  • JoenB75

    Imagine if JWs taught eternal Hell as well. I fear they made a "mistake" there in the construction a manmade religion. God without eternal Hell could lead to atheism🤔

  • waton

    The problem with all these mass extinctions is that they happened, and the bible story asserts that the stand-in for the creator can do better, because it is asserted that one angel can do a triage of all firstborns in one night and dispatch them.

    while such precision is amazing, what have the personally innocent firstborn to do with the exodus of the refugee nation that was saved from death through famine by their host nation?

    How do jws at the doors explain to householders that their children will be killed at Armageddon if they don't look at the jworg video? and follow through?

    Or how do the elders justify putting up programs (and songs) that say in effect: Your children will die at Armageddon if you dont go out in service and show these jworg videos at the doors?

  • eyeuse2badub

    I thought the most "heart warming" part of this week's bible reading was about Lot banging his 2 daughters and knocking them both up!

    jehober "lovingly" provides for those in need and.....................well I guess Lot need some..........!

    biblical accounts draw us closer to jehober......................not!

    just saying!

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Yes eyeuse2badub, where is there wisdom in using the vindictive and savage Bronze Age mentality for living today?

  • waton

    I missed anybody in the audience mentioning that indecent incident in their "gems" in the bible dreading. Lot caving in in the cave, that says a lot. Wine the first rape drug? Lot's wife looking back because of her secret lover, the biological father of the girls not coming out too? If she was aloud to escape surely her fellow sleeper was ok too? all this theorizing to get "righteous" Lot out of the incest, drunkenness charge.

  • subtlevirtue

    waton, are you saying the wt gave that interpretation?

  • waton
    waton, are you saying the wt gave that interpretation?

    sv: no, I iust made that up. on the fly. It is plausible though, you must admit. I am very old and try to keep in shape with that kind of first of a kind thought patterns. sorry for the "loud" in allowed. and bible dreading instead of "reading."

    We should not dread bible reading it is really funny, if it would not be so sad.

  • Phizzy

    Who looked back to see the Pillar of Salt ? surely that person should have been zapped too ? or is it just a Myth ?

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