Hi everyone, this is my first post.

by John Aquila 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • nowwhat?
    sorry i do'nt buy it. how can a star speaker that gives talks at the assemblies, come across as a bumbling idiot when trying to explain TTAT?  those stories are to sensational to happen to one guy.   I THINK YOU ARE TROLLING!
  • Phizzy

    Welcome John.

    As to the "fishnets" story, an Elder told me of a Regular Pioneer whom he caught working as a "Rent Boy" , quite openly touting for trade on a main London thoroughfare.

    He said the guy seemed to be able to switch between the two worlds without difficulty, or conscience.

    It is that latter point that worries me about your guy, he obviously does not love truth, or have much of a conscience, the very worst kind of Elder.

    Maybe it will catch up with the guy anyway, I hope so, a guy who practices dishonest hypocrisy of that level does not deserve to get away with it.

  • minimus
    I read your story and I could relate to your experiences as a new elder. The fishnet story almost sounds like you put that in for comic relief.
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    The fishnet story almost sounds like you put that in for comic relief.

    I know it sounds crazy, but that kind of stuff is normal where I grew up, El Paso Tx/Juarez Mexico. You have to experience it to believe.

    Juárez, which has been dubbed one of the top most dangerous cities in the world, has seen more than one thousand deaths annually over the past four and a half years–1,623 in 2008; 2,754 in 2009; 3,115 in 2010; and 2,086 in 2011. The 2012 count is already at 436 less than halfway into the year. CNS reported in 2010 that more people were killed in Juárez than in the entire country of Afghanistan.


    Now It's a place where Americans don't visit unless they are unaware of the danger. But prostitution, drug lords, and transgender activities which are dangerous for them, still flourish.


    I heard that elder/woman is still giving talks at conventions.

  • Introvert 2
    Introvert 2

    Great post, subscribed. There you have it in a nutshell why I'm single never married at 52, being orphaned and having to take over a failing business at 18 there is no way I could recover from something like this financially. I'm just starting to be able to relax a little now. So sorry this happened to you John, and thank you so much for sharing it, I feel for you brother.

    Lone Wolf - MGTOW works for me

  • whathappened
    Wow! Great story, John. Welcome! I just hate that your wife donated all that money to the organization. What a shame.
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    Introvert 2

    why I'm single never married at 52

    I guarantee you if by some freaking chance I strike it big again and I meet someone and she wants to get married, I will make sure I get a pre-nup and consult a lawyer to make sure it stands up in court.

    But as of this moment, I don't feel the necessity of getting married. I had a great marriage for almost 30 years, I don't think that comes around a second time.

  • mrquik
    Hi John; I had a similar story. Father-in-law knew Rutherford personally. In laws were the JW elite. I was the hired hand. Married their daughter in 75 during "the scare." Just looking to survive; figured I'd learn to love her in Paradise just around the corner. Stayed with her 34 years. Finally found the love of my life & divorced her. I was trying to get back in but one of the elders told me outright that they needed to make an example out of me. I got pissed & read through C of C in two days. That was enough for me. Never looked back. Been out 8 yrs. I have a wonderful life. You will too.
  • SimonSays

    Now that you have 32 posts how does it feel? The core argument you just referenced was learning this hypothetical TTATT. It always amazes me how people can write this stuff with a strait mind. It reminds me of Cyrano de Bergerac instead of George Washington.

    Have you started to build your alter egos as others do here? Multiple accounts will empower you to fit right in; you know give the illusion of millions when in reality, its only thousands of ex-witnesses that by the most part were kicked out of this religion and have their active witness sympathizing friends think by cloaking themselves from man holds them in some special category of God’s acceptance (insiders). That’s a very good illusion. Give your own Q&A the more fake responses the sooner lurkers will learn your TTATT theory and be enchanted by the Siren’s song. Luke 11:14-15

    Be in harmony with 1 John 2:15-16 and Context: Message to the Church in Laodicea (NIV) Revelation 3:14-22

    Keep up the good work.

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