Hi everyone, this is my first post.

by John Aquila 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • kairos


    Our experiences are so amazing, they HAVE to be true. You can't make this stuff up!

  • DesirousOfChange

    Too bad you didn't have a camera when you ran into the tranny brother, lol. Really though, who cares? He's not hurting anyone but himself, trying to be something he is not.

    That's bullshit!

    How many people did he hurt when he took "action" against them on a Judicial Committee, while at the same time he's a hypocritical, crossdressing assho!e?  Often these sex addicts are "acting in" and taking a holier-than-thou attitude against everyone else.  An elder here who was carrying on an adulterous relationship for 8 years before his wife cught him was known as the "hanging judge" elder.

    Welcome John.  I hope you didn't share too much personal info that could identify you.

    Good luck,


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    Shorter is better, serialize it and we will be happier with it. I am glad you are out-ish.
  • freemindfade
  • millie210
    Great meeting you John!
  • EndofMysteries
    OP, so I see you met Larsinger58.  Haven't seen him on this site in awhile.  He is the cross dresser who thinks he is Jesus Christ.  
  • happy@last
    Welcome John, and glad you are seeing things much more clearly. All the best on your journey.  
  • clarity

    Great first post John, welcome to jwn!

    Hope you are getting your feet back on solid ground, congratulations for taking a stand against the wt.


  • cofty
    Hi John, welcome. Thanks for sharing your story.
  • zeb

    I sympathize with you for all your losses. I congratulate you on recognizing the elephant in the room with "Hypocrisy" painted on its side.

    Once your ex has 'blown her money' she will find no one wants her and will find the social intercourse with all the cong will reveal itself as the superficial thing that it is.  Please keep in mind that the 'shunning' you will be subject to is a double edged blade. When relatives  and former friends come a begging then its a case of 'my conscience forbids me to fund your... etc'.

    Dont waste a single breath trying to convince any one of anything. It is tragic when jw who leave get themselves so distraught trying to convince others as you have attempted to do. We are all on our own journey.

    If the wts had any ethics at all they would have questioned the sudden donations and asked what was happening. To me they have accepted the 'pieces of silver'  for the betrayal of your marriage.

    Peace unto you and a secured good fortune and, to that old elder with his scripture note him Prov 26 v11.

    To all who are 'cut-off', abandoned, shunned, for a change of thought its their loss not yours.

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