Ottawa Citizen on WT Paedophile Problem

by expatbrit 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • fjtoth


    Smart puppy!!!!!



  • fjtoth
  • rocky220

    Another thing that should happen is that after the police are notified by victim or parents of victim, the elders that did nothing but judge the victim, themselves should be arrested for aiding and abeding the molester.....that would help them get through their thick skulls that the police should be notified in any event and let the experts investigate whats what....especially since a lot of these molesters already have criminal records.....this will stop the nonsence!!!!!!!....rocky220

  • Mary
    In the documentary, CBC Television told the story of Mike Moss, who was repeatedly molested by his Jehovah's Witness Bible teacher

    My best friend was good friends with Mike Moss and was with him during the trial up in Sault St. Marie when that SOB who molested him was on trial. I met Mike once a few years ago and he seemed nice enough, but obviously very traumatized by what had happened to him. When I saw him on TV the other night, my heart just broke for him when he started crying.

    And the most pathetic thing of all? The guy who molested him is now serving as a Ministerial Servant again. Isn't that just grand?

  • Scully

    Regardless of what Clive Thomas said

    "the allegation that Jehovah's Witnesses harbour child abusers and pedophiles. That is a gross exaggeration."

    Let's think about this for a second.

    23,720 child molesters on file in Brooklyn's "internal sex offenders list". 6 million JWs world wide.

    6,000,000 / 23,720 = 0.0039533 or approximately 4 child molesters for every 1,000 JWs.

    Based on this ratio, this means that at a large convention, where the attendance is say 10,000 publishers, it's likely there are 40 child molesters milling about freely among JWs. It means that out of 10 congregations with an average of 100 publishers, four of those congregations has one child molester in its midst. It means that in Canada, where there are about 110, 000 publishers, there are 435 child molesters going door-to-door, with Bibles in their hands.

    Who are you sitting beside at the next district convention?? Who are your children talking to?? Are your children volunteering to keep busy?? Are you volunteering and making yourself unavailable to keep a watchful eye over your children?

    I wonder why that wasn't addressed in the "behaviour expectations" section of the KM this year.

    Love, Scully

    Edited by - Scully on 2 February 2003 21:33:11

  • hawkaw


    It is very important that you clarify this quote:

    The guy who molested him is now serving as a Ministerial Servant again.

    I just got off the phone with Mike Moss and he indicated that is NOT the case.

    Can you confirm that this convicted paedophile is actually serving as an M.S. again in Sault Saint Marie, Ontario.

    If you cannot confirm can you please edit your post.

    Thanks kindly in advance.


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