Europe Phasing Out Nuclear Power

by Satanus 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    I'd also like to see alternates developed, but we have more than our share of crazies over here. I like the wind power stuff, but now the enviro-wackos are opposing that because of the danger posed to birds.

    God give me patience.


  • DanTheMan

    I think that if we put as much effort into finding ways to use energy more efficiently as we do into finding new power sources, we wouldn't be facing such an uncertain future.

    Although this doesn't relate to nuclear power, I want to cry every time I see people driving these monster SUV's. The people who drive these things don't think past their nose. Our consumer culture is pitifully, inexcusably short-sighted.

    Instead of offering a tract titled "Will this world survive?" the WT should have a tract "Will this world survive the narcissism of the American baby-boomer generation and their offspring?"

    We could have cars that rate on mileage per teaspoon, with a little hard work and ingenuity.

    Dan, of the SUV's-do-fund-terrorism class

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