NEW LIGHT Regarding the feet of Iron & Clay. Can someone confirm?

by pale.emperor 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    It sounds like wishful thinking mixed with the usual JW mumbo jumbo and Chinese whispers.

  • Finkelstein

    It has to be realized that the WTS. has been fear mongering as a religious publishing house now for over 100 years. ie. Jesus has returned in 1914, fictitious multiply times of mankind's existence of 6000 years etc

    These established doctrines were against bible Scripture were nevertheless devised to attract attention to the literature the WTS published and to enhance the continuing proliferation of that literature.

    WTS commercially exploits the Gospel of Jesus Christ, then exploits the gullible trustworthy and perhaps ignorant general public.

  • freemindfade

    They have been saying we are at the feet for a while now

  • blondie

    A search of JWN found this topic 6 years ago, note that MadSweeney said this was the WT doctrine from 1978 to 1985.

    In 2012 this article appeared about the feet of clay and iron.

  • pale.emperor

    You know what i think?... i think the image made of different metals, the feet of iron and clay, the ten toes, the mountain hurling a stone to destroy the image are all just the crazy dream of an old man in his twilight years after having a heavy meal and a late night of praying.

  • blondie

    Could be...but discussing it does not mean you personally believe it but are keeping uptodate as to what the WTS and jws believe and if it is possible to find a point that makes them think later about it.

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS would not be in existence today if it weren't for naive, gullible, ignorant and poorly educated people.

    In matter of fact the WTS is a working exercise of these people .

    This too is a indefensible fact ............unfortunately

  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence

    The only new light I want to hear about is dissolution of the org. Nothing else really matters.

  • Splash

    Whether it's true or not, the fact remains that JW's will believe whatever they're told.

    Literally anything.

    No questions asked.

  • redpilltwice

    This is good news for the Borg. If the UN isn't the scarlet coloured wild beast anymore...the WT can become an NGO again in order to get their library card back!

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