Do You Like Telemarketers? Fix 'em!

by LoneWolf 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Funchback

    I read an article about that "888"# (or a similar one) that you listed on this thread and the article said that it is a scam and that the owners actually are stealing identities.

  • Southland

    NO, the 888-5-OPT-OUT number is legit. You do have to give your social security number. Otherwise how would they know which credit file to no longer sell to merchants?

  • Ed

    ...and for Australians who would like to be rid of most telemarketers, register your details at the ADMA web site:

    If everyone does this, these parasites will have no-one to annoy, no source of income, and no option but to go out of business. So don't just do it for yourself, do it for the rest of us.

  • benext

    I usually answer the phone, let them begin reading the script and give the call to the kitchen table. When they're done talking (reading) and Mr. Table doesn't respond, they hang up. I agreed to a 30 day trial for broadband once, went through a lengthy session with the telemarketer and her supervisor, explained in detail not to send the equipment to my home but to my office. Came home to a card from UPS saying we were here and now you have to come and get it or we will send it back. They sent it back and now I'm getting bills for a service I never used. Now everybody will get Mr. Table.

  • RubaDub

    I generally don't mind telemarketers. Annoying at times, but they can be amusing.

    What I often do, is let them talk and talk and talk. I don't say anything just "uh huh" alot. And I breathe deeply.

    When they are done and expecting a "yes or no" I tell them to keep talking because I'm masturbating. My wife shakes her head and tells me I'm crazy but it is fun to hear their response. It's sort of a sport to see how long you can keep THEM on the line, asking them to keep talking.

    It just feels so great to have THEM hang up on you.

    *****Rub a Dub

    Edited by - RubaDub on 29 January 2003 9:38:9

    Edited by - RubaDub on 29 January 2003 9:39:16

  • copsec

    Every since Missouri started it's "No Call" program, I went from having about 20 calls a DAY to about one every month or so. So, it does work. Before we had the "No Call" law my husband handled all telemarketers. The funniest one he did was when a carpet cleaning service called. He asked how much it would be to clean one room and if they could get ALOT of blood out of carpet. He asked if they could also clean it off the walls and furniture and if they could be there within the hour cause the cops were coming in two hours!!!! They hung up on him. I am surprised that we DIDN'T have cops at oiur door after that call! I was on the couch laughing hysterically as he talked to them.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I don't feel too good about giving out my Social Security number to anyone over the phone. I'm not saying that this is not legit, but I've experienced identity theft before and believe it is not easy to recover from it.

    One thing I do to telemarketers is to tell them to take me off their list. It is a requirement by all states that if the caller says this, then they must comply or else be fined. Now this doesn't stop them from selling your phone number to another agency, but it really does cut down on the number of calls. Currently I get maybe one call a week. However, I can always tell when my number has been sold to a new batch of telemarketers as I start to get calls again. But I interrupt them and tell them to take me off their list and in 3-4 days, things are back to normal.

    It's not perfect, but it's better than receiving nonstop calls during dinnertime.

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