by UnDisfellowshipped 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • blacksheep

    Oh, and can any truly rational person believe that a supremely higher being would be communicating his plans and the way to salvation via THIS means?????? Let's just hope he is not that simplistic and downright tacky.

    Also, didn't Jim Jones start showing horrible pictures/memories of slavery, etc., as an example of what his adherents could return to if they stopped following him? Typical CULT fear-inspiring tactic.

  • DanTheMan

    I'm gonna save this page for the archives.

    I wonder if any WT artist ever had a 'Crisis of Conscience' hit them while they were creating one of these death & destruction drawings for the mags.

  • KungFu

    From looking at the pictures on this thread (from the WT Society's literature) I've made an amazing discovery!! God's favorite weapon of choice is lightning!! Yay!!

    A list, in order, of God's favorite devices for creating mischief and mayhem and destruction!!

    #1 Favorite: Lightning!! Yay!!

    #2 Favorite: Scepters!! (For some strange reason God's weapon of choice for smashing stuff is a sceptor)

    I have to give God originality points on that one. I'd piss in my pants too if I saw a big arm with a

    scepter in hand smashing buildings. I'd be saying "Whoa. Like what is that big thick rod with

    the ball at the end of it?? And why is that big arm like, uh, smashing stuff??"

    #3 Favorite: Fire baby!! Fire!! fire!!

    #4 Favorite device of choice by God for creating mayhem: an axe!! Yes.look at the pics in the beginning of

    this thread, and you will see God hacking down some trees with an axe. Wow!!

    #5 Favorite: Godzilla. God created Godzilla so that when he gets bored with using lightning, or his thick,

    manly arms are getting tired from smashing buildings with a scepter, he can have fun watching

    Godzilla smash stuff!!

    GOD LOVES SMASHING THINGS!! (And that stupid little guy with the loaded gun is clueless. Like his gun is going to stop an arm from the sky from smashing him with a scepter. Get real!!)


  • UnDisfellowshipped

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