Why did Jehovah Kill all the animals in the flood? What purpose did it serve??

by pistolpete 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Why did Jehovah Kill all the animals in the flood? - he did it to p*ss off Vegans.

    The Different Types Of Feminists There Are | Thought Catalog

  • pistolpete

    I searched for clues in the Bible.

    My stepbrother is doing exactly the same thing. He's already read the entire bible in two weeks. Said it took him a little over 100 hrs. He is doing it again to see if he missed something about why Jah would do such a thing.

    On a side note, many people around the world feel the same way about how animals are treated. For about two years scientist have been working on creating meat using stem cells from animals. The main reason for this is because they want to eventually STOP all the killing of animals just to feed humans.

    Kind of interesting that some humans have more compassion for animals than the bible god that they are willing to spend their whole life trying to figure out how to end the suffering of animals


  • mickbobcat

    There are only two answers, Either he is a asshole god, or is non existent and made up.

  • Simon

    The purpose is to show gods "might"

    The reality is it demonstrates the backward nature of the writers, just as many other parts of the bible do. They treat animals with little compassion, same as they treat women - all property, chattel to do with as you please.

    Backward culture, backward beliefs.

  • johnamos
    There are only two answers

    If he is a asshole God, where did humans get the so-called compassion for these animals as expressed in some of these post?

    If he is non-existent, where did humans get the so-called compassion for these animals as expressed in some of these post?

  • Simon
    where did humans get the so-called compassion for these animals

    We've become more civilized and caring over time. We've evolved and grown.

    We've out-grown the superstitious stories about psychotic gods

  • WTWizard

    I never did accuse that monster of a god of being humane in any way, shape, or form. Not with animals, not with people. Nor is that monster fair.

    I can only picture homes where they use glue traps instead of more humane capture or quick kill traps for mice. I have seen videos of how the mice, once stuck, struggle to get off. In time, they are exhausted, and many suffer terribly trying to get off. If other mice get stuck, they get into fights with each other, adding to the cruelty. The mice stay stuck on that trap, alive, for a day or more. That, to me, is how humane joke-hova and its filthy angels are. Only on a much worse scale.

  • EverApostate

    Not only the flood. Even after that Jah commands his beloved war mongers - Moses, Joshua - to slaughter all animals, while they invade a nation

  • johnamos
    We've become more civilized and caring over time. We've evolved and grown.
    We've out-grown the superstitious stories about psychotic gods

    Understood. Bobcat

    That, to me, is how humane joke-hova and its filthy angels are.

    [humane - having or showing compassion or benevolence]

    [compassion - sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others]

    Where did you get your sense of humaneness/compassion?

  • truth_b_known

    2 Kings 19:35 states 1 angel killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers while they were sleeping. A global flood seems rather silly. There is no evidence of a global flood. It seems the global flood in Genesis was plagiarized from the Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh.

    With that being stated, the Epicurean ideology or philosophy of the "Problem with Evil" isn't proof of there being no god or that if there is a god this god is uncaring.

    Pain and suffering are not the same. Pain is inevitable. Suffering is a choice. Suffering is how we respond to pain. Animals do not suffer. Some animals and organisms are not even capable of feeling pain. Pain is a safety mechanism to protect us from harm.

    Consider that suffering and pain are often confused, but in fact are not identical. Pain produces suffering, but suffering can be produced by things other than pain, generally speaking by negative emotional states. That pain and suffering are not identical is also shown by the fact that people may experience pain and not suffer from it.

    As far as where the human concept of empathy comes from - evolution. Primates have developed a sense of looking at something else in pain and the brain responding by basically saying "How would I feel if I were having that experience?" From this evolutionary advancement humans developed empathy which in turn gave birth to what we call morality. It is an advanced survival mechanism. Everything our body does, including brain functions, is a survival mechanism.

    Philosophically, good cannot exist without bad as light without dark or pain without pleasure. The Hindu belief system describes all life as god, playing a part or a role in a drama that exists over an aeon. Like any drama, there is a protagonist and an antagonist. As long as good is winning and bad is losing we are content. However, we have gone astray with the idea that good must win and bad must lose. This would end the drama/play and the story would be over. Stories ending often generate anxiety. Anxiety is a form of suffering.

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