God Versus Time

by Valis 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    Vivamus: Nice simple logic ... neat !

  • Brummie
    One answer given on this subject was that God has the ability to shut his foreknowlegde down choosing not to foresee the individual actions of his creatures

    I began to have a problem with this WT view when I was in the process of leaving, its like they are saying "God chooses to be ignorant"...duur.

    Personally I dont have all the answers or reasons as to why things happen, but that is because I dont have all the information, I am ignorant to all the details.

  • Vivamus

    Thanx Simon , but I can't take credit for it, it's by Epicures.

  • plmkrzy
    My son just informed me there is no such thing as time, really.

    It was invented by man to keep order in our boxes.

    Maybe thats where we keep God as well?

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