God Versus Time

by Valis 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    I think I have contracted minimusitis....If Jehovah knew the future, why would an all powerful god not be there instead of lingering in a past that lead to the inevitable? AND...If a god were constrained by time then is it all powerfull or does it have to be a god by some set of laws? What are they, because I don't see evidence of the Bible god following his own supposed loving provision..Any thoughts or do I need to lay off the spiritual food?? *LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • xenawarrior

    well, the spiritual food certainly brings up alot of what ifs eh???

    here is my thought hun- If frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their asses........

    gurgle gurgle gurgle...


  • Blueblades

    One answer given on this subject was that God has the ability to shut his foreknowlegde down choosing not to foresee the individual actions of his creatures otherwise how could he bless and punish for good or bad actions if he were to see the out come of the individuals behavior.This not my thinking it is the thinking of the W.T.

    They illustrate it this way ,just as we have the ability to switch on and off the T.V.and Radio from different stations so God can do that with his foreknowledge.??????????????????

  • Valis

    Dammit xw!!! Must you ruin all my delusions? *LOL*...BTW does blood letting cure minimusitis? perhaps a thwack will do the job....


    District Overbeer

  • xenawarrior

    BTW does blood letting cure minimusitis? perhaps a thwack will do the job....

    LOL- it might- try some of that Blue Star Annointment you have so readily available

    *thwack* for good measure


  • Introspection

    Actually, I think that saying "Time is relative but there's never time for relatives" kind of sums this up pretty well. (not in terms of the intended meaning of human relatives tho) If we're going to talk about a God that's in the absolute domain then of course it cannot be limited by time, because time is relative. I actually think they might have been on to something when they said to God a thousand years is as one day, but it seems more accurate to say that to God one moment is as eternity, if you're going to talk about a God that's absolute and eternal. I guess the one day as a thousand year thing might have been sort of like an early Carl Sagan type of outlook.. (millions and billions...)

  • heathen

    Maybe he just has too much time on his hands lol .

  • Vivamus

    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.

    Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

    Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?

    Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

    So if God knows the future, but choses not to act, he is malevolent.

    If God cannot see the future, and therefore cannot act, he is not worthy of the term God.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Valis, my view is, God is time.

    Guest 77


    What a thread to start a Sunday morning out with! I think I'll go back to bed! But hey, Val, if you get this one all figured out, see what you can find out on whether or not God is abel to make a rock so big he can't pick it up!

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