What year is your car?

by JH 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    When I had a 1988 car, I said I have an 88

    When I had a 1993 car, I said I have a 93

    When I had a 1999 car, I said I have a 99

    When I had a 2000 car, I didn't say I have a 00, I said I have a 2000 car

    When I bought a 2002 car, I didn't say I have a 02 I said I have a 2002 car

    So my question is, when are we going to leave out the two thousand, and just say the two last digits, like for the 88, 93, 99 car in my example, for it not to sound stupid?

  • imanaliento

    I have been having that same thought, only it's on addressing the kids in this generation

    I was a kid in the 50's (late 50's)

    I was a teen in the 70's

    my sons are all born in the 80's

    So what do you call those growing up in the 2000 years?

    kids in the zero year?

    the zero generation?

    Edited by - imanaliento on 24 January 2003 19:31:40

  • Bendrr
    So what do you call those growing up in the 2000 years?

    from what I've seen so far, I'd say dumbass would fit a lot of them pretty well.


  • Francois

    Twenty Oh Three?

    Ought Three?

    Why not now?

  • Jim_TX

    Along those lines, why do folks here say 'Oh-3', instead of 'zero-3'?

    I guess it may have to do with it being easier to say 'oh' than 'zero', but maybe folks could say 'nought'.

    New cars are already being sold as 'oh-3' models.


    Jim TX

  • JH

    and when you get passed the oh 3, what will you say after oh 9? I have a 10. We will still have to say a 2010. the long way

    I have a 3, I have a 10, I have a jack, I have a queen. they'll think your playing cards.

    Edited by - jh on 24 January 2003 20:0:27

  • av8orntexas
  • WhyNow2000

    2k generation

  • Been there
    Been there

    It does seem strange. Like taking a month after the new year to get used to Oh-3 instead of Oh-2. Maybe we can say 2-03.......2-10........2-22? Hike!

    Edited to add..........a "93"

    Edited by - Been There on 25 January 2003 7:5:1

  • pr_capone


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