orgin of my name

by jesusstolemyhotrod 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Your nick reminds me of that song "Jesus Built My Hotrod" by Ministry ;)

    How does that beginning part go again? "Wang-a-dang-dang my Ding-a-long-a-ling-long"? Psalm 69 is super cool. Now I gotta play it when I get home.

  • jesusstolemyhotrod

    the intro goes like this:

    "it was soon i discovered.....that this rock thing was true,

    jerry lee lewis was the devil

    jesus was an arcitect, previous to his career as a prophet

    all of a sudden i found myself in love with the world

    so there was only one thing that i could do

    ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long"

    after the song, it ends with the words:

    "jesus built my car

    it's a love affair

    mainly jesus and my hot rod

    yeah f**k it"

  • Inkie

    JSMHR: I totally understand your meaning about what you wrote in this thread. I don't dispute that whatsoever. I feel for you, buddy. Truly, I do. The Society has had a similar effect on me as well. I also understand your use of the name of "Jesus" for what you mean. But, for 'me,' it would be "Satan." I still have good feelings and thoughts and respect about and for the person of Jesus. I just wanted to write this to you and let you know that even though "I" have a difference of opinion about the name you choose, I understand your reason for it and I agree with you. Thereenough said. Blessings, my friend. Inkie

  • jesusstolemyhotrod

    thanks inkie.....i also repsect your feelings and thoughts.....thanks for sharing yours with me

  • undercover

    "Never trust a junkie"

  • greven
    i think it is a sham......i think it is a money pit that holds it's members captive by manipulation and fear......if god does exist he would not what to be represented by anything even remotley close to the religions of today.

    So true!


  • Tatiana
    but i personally am anti religion in any organized form.....i think it is a sham......i think it is a money pit that holds it's members captive by manipulation and fear......if god does exist he would not what to be represented by anything even remotley close to the religions of today.

    Damn, hotrod...I totally agree with you on this. Welcome to the board. I look forward to reading more from you.( I remember those "parties!")



  • greven


    I was first!



  • AGuest
    jesus is now a figure i associate with the JW's.....i have not yet found a reason or an outlet to veiw him in any other me he is a character in a story that was used to manipulate my way of thinking and alter the course of my teenage years.....

    To be quite honest, with you, dear JSMHR... the greatest of peace to you... I kind of find that hard to believe. Why? Because "the Society" doesn't really tout Jesus. I mean, think back: was it Jesus... or "Jehovah"... that was used to keep you "in place"? Now, I know you might answer, "Same thing," but if you think on it a minute, you might be able to see that they in fact relegated Jesus to a LESSER place... at times even lower than the GB, yes? I mean, how many times were you told that if you listen TO THE GB... you were listening to God... versus if you listened TO CHRIST ("This is my Son... listen TO HIM!")?

    In fact, they didn't even tell you that Jesus could SPEAK ("My sheep know my voice!"), did they, but had you convinced that THEY were God's speakers... THEY were God's "faithful and discreet slave"... THEY were "the visible representation of the Lord... on earth", yes? Even though Christ said to "store up treasures IN HEAVEN..." and "My kingdom is NO part of the world."

    I beg you: don't blame the Christ for man's misleadings. And don't blame God... for Satan's use of man... and religion... to mislead. For they (God and Christ)... are innocent. Truly.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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