Dinosaurs, Aliens and the Watchtower

by figureheaduk 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Dinosaurs, Aliens and the Watchtower

    Dinosaurs bad. Aliens bad. Watchtower good.

    Show me the money!

  • Warrigal

    Ya gotta be some kind of a heretic, No Apologies. Does this mean that the carefully crafted Jurassic era with the T. Rex and the Velociraptors is a hoax? You've burst my bubble! I'll never be able to trust Michael Crichton or Arthur Conan Doyle again.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well the dinosaurs were left to drown at the flood as I understand it cause they were too big to get onto the boat.

    As for the aliens, simple, they are demons.Its a nice simple explanation. it scares you off from thinking about it too much. it works

  • heathen

    I thought the aliens started the WT and only apostates believed in dinosaurs.

  • funkyderek
  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    In the 1930's the official WT teaching was the the dinosaurs were taken to Venus where they are happily roaming around.

    I'm not kidding. This was the "truth".


  • Gerard

    From: http://www.abarnett.demon.co.uk/atheism/JW.html

    I've had a rare insight into the bizarre world of the Jehovah's Witnesses - I dated one for about six months a few years ago. She was a lovely, sweet, normal girl, and I didn't realise she was particularly religious until one day when we were driving along in the car. I said something about evolution, and she said, in a rather suprised voice
    "What? You don't believe in all that evolution rubbish, do you?"
    and we spent the next six months arguing about all manner of things.

    Some of her more unusual beliefs included:

    • There are missile bases on the Moon, ready to rain down nuclear death. I pointed out the various reasons why this is false and impossible, but her mother told her and therefore it is true. I doubt that this is a common belief among JW's, but you never know...
    • God put the dinosaurs here to trample down the forests to make way for Man. The fact that most dinosaurs were very small, and many could fly or swim is irrelevant. Many JW's are young-earth creationists, and their ideas about origins are a little out of sync with modern science.
    • The Rainbow that God put in the sky after Noah's Flood was the first rainbow ever. There were no rainbows before this, as the Sun never shone on rain. It never rained, there was just a very heavy dew every morning to water the planet. The story of The Flood is, of course, historical fact.
    • She agreed that selective breeding is a form of forced evolution, but natural evolution just doesn't happen.
    • The other stars and galaxies are put there for us to populate - even though a lot of them will have burnt out or exploded long before we even get out of the solar system.
  • Gerard

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