Gulf War Syndrome

by Emiliano 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Emiliano

    Must check this site out

    Joyce Riley -Gulf War Syndrome-

    Joyce Riley is a spokesperson for the American Gulf War Veterans Association and an expert on the Gulf War Syndrome. She will also be presenting her views on the smallpox vaccination. Her website is

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    Vaccination Hazards

    Tonight's guest Joyce Riley has called attention to the dangers of vaccines. In an article posted on her website, Vexing over Vaccines,Dr. Alan Cantwell Jr. points to a number of alarming issues surrounding their usage. He also details information about the production of vaccines that many dont realize. For instance, in order to develop vaccines, the strains are often grown on animal parts like monkey kidneys and chicken embryos or human cell lines derived from cancer cells. This can potentially lead to contamination and/or the introduction of animal viruses into the human population.
    The Governmnet is not taking care of the Gulf war vets.

  • pettygrudger

    Which is EXACTLY why Bush is now trying to make it so that no one can sue the vaccination company's - for this and a HOST of other things these companies KNOW are wrong - many people are being hurt and children in our country are right now being exposed to dangerous levels of thermisol & other things known to have severe neurological consequences in some cases. Several of the things that are wrong are easily "fixable" - but that would take money which we know cuts right to the heart of the matter.

  • Yerusalyim


    Actually the Bush administration is trying to protect the country. If small-pox is used as a weapon of terror against the US mass vaccinations will be needed. I remember being a small kid and taking this same vaccination. It has it's dangers, but the alternative is much worse.

    Medical malpractice suits generally are too high, have driven up the cost of medical care in the US and hurt us over all. Yes, some people who take the vaccine will die, but think of how many will die if it's not developed. Without legal protections no company is going to risk offering this vaccine on a national level, THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS will die without it should there be an outbreak due to terrorist attacks.

    Food for thought.

    By the way, I think the way the Bush (1) and Clinton adminstration handled Gulf War Syndrom is abhorrent. I was sick and in poor health for years from my exposure to chemicals from Saddam, burning oil wells, Antharax vaccine, and nerve agent antidotes. YUCK!

  • Emiliano
    Field Manual Detailing Military Police Actions Read and digest it, then consider its implications to YOUR future freedom.
  • Yerusalyim


    Emiliano, there are no "implications" to our future freedom. This is just a rewrite of already existing standards. What's the problem you see with this specifically? And what does it have to do with GWS?

  • Emiliano


    Youre probably right this should have been a diffrent topic.

    I was litening to a talk show last night. Some of the points being brought out were that there is these camps that are being built and many being re opened. One of the questions is that people may be taken in if they refuse to take vaccines .

    Under this action the government can take everything that you own if they so desire and dispose of it anyway they want. Citizens would have no recourse.

    Im still trying to look into it .

  • seawolf


    The below might be some of what you were referring to. Sorry for the sloppiness of how it's presented...I'm kind of in a hurry....

    With funding and direction provided from the CDC, a lawyer at the Georgetown University Center for Law and the Publics Health, Lawrence Gostin, has created model state legislation that will allow public health officials to mobilize and use all or any part of the organized militia to isolate, quarantine and force vaccination and medical treatment on American citizens in states where a Governor has called a state of emergency for 30 days or more. (Go to to read the law).

    Public health officials would be given the power to coordinate all matters pertaining to the public health emergency, including the right to seize private property such as communications devices, carriers, real estate, fuels, food, clothing and health care facilities and take control of the use, sale, dispensing, distribution and transportation of food, fuel, clothing and other commodities, alcoholic beverages, firearms, explosives and combustibles as well as take control of roads and public areas.

    If passed by the states, the law would give unprecedented police powers to public health officials and those they designate to charge citizens with misdemeanors and imprison them if they refuse to comply with vaccination, medical treatment or isolation orders without being able to go to court first. Those who participate in enforcing the law would not be held liable for any injury, death or loss of property which resulted.

    Basically the same stuff as the above was slipped in the Homeland Security Bill:

    It gives the Secretary of HHS these unchecked powers (pg. 76):

    • Declare an actual or POTENTIAL bio-terrorist or other kind of incident
    • He can administer countermeasures to a category of individuals or everyone
    • He can continually extend the declare the declaration without Congresss consent

    Also, if you are harmed, you cannot sue or take any other civil remedy.

    This section will give the Secretary unlimited power to define a real or potential threat, to take any measures he decides, and to do it for as long as he wants, said Kathryn Serkes, AAPS spokeswoman. Its Alice in Wonderland time again an emergency is just what he says it is.

    Serkes also points out that the section echoes the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act that most state legislatures defeated this past year. Just remove governor from the old bill and insert Secretary and magically you have a federal bill that was firmly rejected by voters across the country, said Serkes.

    AAPS sent out thousands of email alerts urging voters to ask that the section be removed.

    Just what are the counter measures allowed? Forced immunizations? Quarantines? Its not clear, but the powers seem virtually unchecked by any other agency, said Serkes. We need an honest accounting of how this will work. Its too frightening to allow it to be rammed through.

    (It's been said that the above provisions that were slipped into the HSB will be removed. I'll believe it when I see it.)

    Also, in the same Homeland Security Bill, a provision was slipped in to protect Eli Lilly, maker of thimerosal, from lawsuits. It's not surprising since all you have to do is follow the trail of money and power:

    Critics say the Bush family and the administration have too many ties to Eli Lilly. There's President Bush's father, who sat on the company's board in the 1970's; White House budget director Mitch Daniels, once an Eli Lilly executive; and Eli Lilly CEO Sidney Taurel, who serves on the president's homeland security advisory council.

    I smell something fishy....

    Edited to add: There was a whole special on all this vaccination stuff on C-SPAN on early November. Had a guy on there from the military talking about all these anthrax vaccines, a guy that was all involved with the polio vaccines and how it was covered up about the bad batches that were given to people, and a guy from Uganda about how all these vaccines were forced on them in Uganda and killed a lot of people. It was ~3 hours long or so. Wish I would have recorded it.

    Edited by - seawolf on 21 January 2003 12:33:59

  • Crazy151drinker

    Why do you people take this stuff so far????

    You make it sound like this is some new plot for the Government to enslave us! Come now people!

    Do you think the CDC shouldnt be able to quarentine people??? Do you want people with TB or Smallpox cruising around the malls??? Whats wrong with you! You make the assumption that the CDC will use these powers to put people in some kind of death camps! Wake up! ITS THE CDC!! If you honestly think the Military is going to take orders from the CDC then you need some HELP.

    And as far as suspending your constitutional rights, Im sure if they really wanted 2 they could declare some Federal State of Emergency and call out the military. NOT going to happen. We would have a revolution on our hands.

    And as far as vaccinations are concerned, YES they do have side effects, but because of these VACCINATIONS the world is (theroecticly) free of SmallPox. Know anyone who's had Polio lately???

  • pettygrudger

    Actually, I have been watching this vaccination discussion for many a year - long before any of these terrorist threats because of my son's condition (autism). I am here to tell you that this new bill has absolutely NOTHING to do with the anthrax or small pox vaccinations that persons may have to take in the near future. IT DOES have to do with the FDA/CDC & pharmaceutical companies covering up a lot of harmful side effects of the immunizations given to children during the first 5 years of life.

    There is already a Vaccine Injury Compensation act on the books - and ones "injured" because of vaccinations are already limited to the amounts that can be compensated that's not the problem. The problem is in the cases such as New Jersey & Texas where class action lawsuits have been filed on behalf of HUNDREDS of family's who's children were irrevocably brain damaged & hurt by the MMR vaccinations, as the last assault to the child's already compromised immune system due to the other 35 vaccinations given before this last one. It has to do with LOTS (batches) of vaccinations that were proven to be "tainted" and then boxed up & shipped off as "charity" to third world countries. It has alot to do with the fact that Autism has increased 598% since the introduction of the MMR. This is not to say that the measles-mumps-rubella vaccination are wrong individually - but taken the way America allows our children to be immunized - it has had these effects. Do you not think it weird that no other industrialized country on the face of this planet will allow this vaccination in the tri-form any longer? All other countries have since instilled a mono-application, and their cases of Autism have decreased accordingly to pre-tri-application averages. This means that no other country will allow anything but a single-dose vial with each immunization (mumps, measles, rubella) given individually - spread out 6 months between applications. Why doesn't the US do this - in a nutshell - money. Its alot cheaper to do it the tri-application way, and until Americans realize what is going on, the Industry will not change their policys. It also has alot to do with the way our children's immunizations are given.... The doctor/pediatricians office has "10-dose vials". From these 10-dose vial, the nurse takes out the single dose of immunization required for that patient. These vials are preserved with "thermisol" (a mercury based product). So, it has been proven that if the nurse doesn't follow the proper procedures for "stirring" this 10-dose vial, the last person that gets their shot from this is getting more than 12,000x the amount of mercury exposure in one sitting than a fully developed adult should receive in an entire day.

    There's more to this, and if you want "proof" - its out there. This has nothing to do with the vaccinations that are on the horizon (i.e. small pox & anthrax)- and everything to do with the FDA/CDC - who have KNOWN (as will be testified to in court proceedings during the class action suits) that these vaccinations are harmful. Not to everyone - but there is a percentage that are irrevocably harmed. The "fixes" are really simple & already being done in all other "civilized" countries.....our big business doesn't want to lose a dime off their profit margins however, and they are making their bucks at the expense of our children.

  • Robdar

    And as far as suspending your constitutional rights, Im sure if they really wanted 2 they could declare some Federal State of Emergency and call out the military. NOT going to happen. We would have a revolution on our hands.

    No, we would not have a revolution on our hands because there would be citizens, like yourself, who would refuse to believe it.

    Crazy, you know I like you but I am in total disagreement with you regarding this. You may think that I am paranoid, and maybe that is true, but I also think that you are way too naive about what is really going on here.


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