Need help - what is the truth...

by confuzcious 23 Replies latest jw experiences


    The Truth?.."No matter where you go,there you are"..Ohhmmm..Ohhmmm..Ohhmm..LOL!...OUTLAW

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Hello Confuzcious

    You asked:

    What would you guys say is the one "scriptural" reason why YOU left the truth.

    I would say it was a combination of several Scriptural reasons, but the three most important reasons why I left are below:

    1: The Bible says that Salvation is a FREE GIFT of God by means of His UN-EARNED KINDNESS which CANNOT be earned no matter how many "good works" you do during your lifetime (read through the Apostle Paul's writings to see this).

    2: The Bible says that the number one most important way to find out who Jesus Christ's TRUE Disciples are, is whether or not they have LOVE.

    3: The Bible says that Jesus Christ is God. The Bible says Jesus Christ is the Mediator for ALL CHRISTIANS -- not just the 144,000. The Bible says Jesus Christ was raised from the dead in His Original Human Body. The Bible says that the Apostles and Disciples prayed TO Jesus Christ and worshiped Jesus Christ.

  • Navigator


    But the truth is the society has told us the truth about the condition of the dead, the truth about Hell, about living in paradise...

    What makes you believe that the WTS has told you the truth about the condition of the dead and living in paradise? They may have told you what you wanted to hear, but how do you know it is the truth? Since they are wrong about so many other things and have prophisised falsely for many, many years, why do you think they are telling the truth about this?

  • Robotnomore

    Dear Confuzious, When I read your story it reminded me so much of our own feelings as we were finding out all the different things that were just plain wrong in the organization,and it was absolutely devastating. We kept trying to find something to hang on to because we didnt want to leave,because our whole life was spent as JW's. It is true when you look at the Bibles explantion and definitions of false prophets you know thats what is going on with this religion.They have been false witnesses of our dear Heavenly Father and his Wonderful Son Jesus, And they have misrepresented Gods Word the Bible in so many ways it is just inconceivable that we could have been a part of such false teachings, so we tried to think of things that were right so we can cover over or excuse all the wrongs that were done. But our conscience kept bringing it up and I truly feel that Jesus was calling us to him because so many times we would almost reconcile our thoughts and heart back to the organization when we would stumble across some other crazy off the wall teaching,and all the turmoil would start again.The elder is right when you look at what the Bible says and then look at what the society has done in the past, there is no way possible to defend what they have done. They were and are false prophets, and they know it.So with us it came down to since they have been wrong about so many dates,explanations of the Bible and since they have come right out and said that they are not inspired of God are we going to overlook all of their wrong teachings and hope this new set of explanations will finally be right or are we going to believe what GOD'S True Word THE BIBLE says? So we prayed for God's guidance and he showed us what to do. So we wrote our letter of disassociation but it still took us almost a year to send it in. WE were still hoping something would come up to where we could regain some faith back in the society but to no avail.So we prayed to God,and told him that our total faith was in Him, his Son,his Word the Bible,and the Kingdom. When I think about losing almost 50yrs. to this organization it makes me feel horribly sad,but what gets me through is for once I have a true hope and assurance that by accepting the true Lord and Savior Jesus that I will have everlasting life in his wonderful Kingdom. So Confuzious I hope this helps ,my heart goes out to you and I will pray for you. Agape' Love Mrs. Robot No More

  • confuzcious


    Thank you so much for all your help and anyone who wants to ad their thoughs to this.

    I'm devistated about the things I'm learning on this forum and sites like Randy's

    I was a regular pioneer for 9 years and was a model JW.

    I got into trouble and felt like I was thrown away.

    I felt like a 2 ton bull that was pulling everyone else along spiritually, but the day the bull got sick, no one cared for the bull anymore.

    To put it mildly, I was HEAVILY mistreated by the brothers, especially some of the elders.

    But as I examine these things, it's almost UNTHINKABLE, that I could actually have been mislead this bad.

    I'm still struggling, but at least now I know I'm not NUTS.

  • lulu

    It was Mathew 24.which caused us to leave the WT. Who really is the FDS etc etc. Obviously not the GB as they have by one way or another skinned the sheep. Jesus also said when you see the disgusting thing sitting in a place it ought not, flee to the mountains. When the WTBTS joined according to their own words the "wild beast" in 1991 that was the end for us and we went to the mountains. However, we wholeheartedly love Jehovah and his son and truly believe that the bible was given to us as a manual for life as it should be lived ,for our benefit. Jehovah is not a God of lies and as soon as lies are spoken it cannot be from God.Nevertheless it pays to be like the bereans and search and investigate using an interlinear or some such to make sure that the bible that you are reading has not been 'improved' upon. It is very difficult I know and a huge decision especially as no doubt you have like so many of us been under fear and suppression. (I think you know what I mean) All the very best.

  • Ginosko


    For me is not a matter of one text. For me is something similar of what Jesus replied to que question of Mat 24:3, "... the sign of your presence", and then he gave us a collection of events. For me the collection of events that probe me that the WT didn't have the truth were:

    1. The UN affair.

    2. The replied that the WT gave us about his relationship with the UN. For me a complete lie, at least all the elders that signed this relationship must be removed for lack of sound of mind.

    3. Then my research about blood. There are any evidence in the bible to forbide the blood, but not the fractions of the blood, you could understand as a complete forbide, but not as they actually taught.

    4. My last understanding that there was not a Goberning Body in the first century. If you read again, Galatas, Act 15 and Act 21:20-24, you will understand that they were two kinds of christian teachings in the firsts century, the two of them with at least some degree of Holy Spirit aproval. Joseph Malik write an excelent chapter in his book Beyend Jehovah witness about this texts.

    5. And all the other stuff that I learned, specially about the letter to Hitler in 1933, published in the yearbook of 1934, the aluminun stuff and many other more, like the endorsement of the book Womans and Angels ...

    Many elders will replied, but to where can we go, but the bible ask: to whom can we go. Also in this text the WT lies to us. They put themselves in the place of Jesus Christ, maybe that is the reason because you will hear a lot of Jehovah and the faithfull slave in the Kingdom Hall, but so few about Jesus Christ.

  • Elsewhere
    am REALLY confused and scared

    It's ok... take your time.

    Please don't be afraid to explore. Some people can move quickly, some need to move more slowly. Find a pace that is good for you.

    I need ask you a question... I might know you. Does the word "Anacoco" mean anything to you? If it does, please email me: [email protected]

    I will protect your identity.

  • willy_think

    "Basically, I showed him the stuff about being the false prophet and his response (parapharsed) is...

    "Well, if you're going to go by that, then there is no way to defend ourselves."

    LOL I love it. Yes, how could the false prophet defend itself? You have a long walk don't take it too fast, finding the truth about the truth can be very upseting.

  • bikerchic

    Confuzcious, I understand your feelings, it's only normal to want to make some sense of it all especially with so much loss.

    I've come to the conclusion that IF there is a God he would have given his sons and daughters a readable and understandable book that left absolutely NO QUESTION what he wants us to do in regard to worshiping HIM. We wouldn't have all these inconsistencies in dates and prophecies.

    StinkyPantz quoted this:

    I enjoy this one from 1922:

    "This chronology is not of man, but of God. Being of divine origin and divinely corroborated, present truth chronology stands in a class by itself. Absolutely and unqualifiedly correct."

    My point is that if the WTS is of divine origin why hasn't God given them the TRUTH!


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