Anna Nicole Smith ~ the horror or not ?

by Xandria 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    I tuned in once for maybe a minute. It bored me to tears. She looks like she in on dope and has no idea what is going on around her. I think that she is a very sad and depressed person. I can't bring myself to watch her. I don't know which is worse, Anna or Jerry Springer. Speaking of Jerry, I was so embarrassed to walk into a pub in Wales and see that crap on the TV. With fine American representatives like Anna and Jerry, no wonder the rest of the world doesn't understand us.


  • Francois

    I've watched. I admit it. The batteries in my remote failed just when I had stumbled onto her show. I got to watch her ride one of those mechanical bulls. I had some trouble with that, cause I couldn't tell whose ass was larger, Anna's or the Bull's.

    It was just as she was falling off the bull for the third time in a row that I got new batteries in my remote and moved on to the Hitler Channel, which I like much more.

    As far as I'm concerned, ANS has gone to seed. She's cheap, she's trashy, she's stupid (all of which I used to be able to overlook) however now she's FAT. And I just can't handle faded glory. Besides she's got fake tits. I can't stand silicone boobs.

    Here's a little Poll. Would you prefer a woman with small, real boobs, or would you rather have a woman with large silicone boobs?

    I vote for small/real.

    I was with a woman once who looked like a boy from the waist up, but who - when she finally let me go - had damn near killed me. True story.


  • Realist

    definitively small and real!!! small is pretty!!! :-))

  • Xandria

    Realist... um that is depending on what is small. Kidding !!!! gawd. .o0( Naughty Thoughts Naaauughty thoughts!)

    Really, sounds like she needs to pull herself together. She may be the nicest person in the world. But it comes down to how people perceive you.


  • Realist


    for some reason i was expecting this reply!

  • SheilaM

    She is so pathetic and seems so OUT of it not sure what she's on but it's just gross

  • meadow77

    Ode to Anna Nicole

    "Trashy Women" - Confederate Railroad

    Well, I was raised in a sophisticated kind of style...
    Yeah, my taste in music and women drove my folks half-wild.
    Mom and Dad had a plan for was debutantes and symphonies,
    But I like my music hot, I like my women wild.

    Yeah, I like my women just a little on the trashy side...
    When they wear their clothes too tight and their hair is dyed.
    Too much lipstick and too much rouge gets me excited, gets me feelin' confused.
    Yeah, I like my women just a little on the trashy side...

    You shoulda seen the look on the faces of my Dad and Mom,
    When I showed up at the door with a date for the Senior Prom.
    They said, "Pardon us, son, but she ain't no kid.
    That's a cocktail waitress in a Dolly Parton wig."
    I said, "I know, Dad, ain't she cool? That's the kind I dig."

    Yeah, I like my women just a little on the trashy side...
    When they wear their clothes too tight and their hair is dyed.
    Too much lipstick and too much rouge gets me excited, gets me feelin' confused.
    Yeah, I like my women just a little on the trashy side...

    Well, I like 'em sweet, I like 'em with a heart of gold.
    Yeah, I like 'em brassy, I like 'em brazen and bold.
    Well, they say opposites attract...well, I don't agree.
    I want a woman just as tacky as me.
    Yeah, I like my women just a little on the trashy side...

    Yeah, I like my women just a little on the trashy side...
    When they wear their clothes too tight and their hair is dyed.
    Too much lipstick and too much rouge gets me excited, gets me feelin' confused.
    Yeah, I like my women just a little on the trashy side...

    Edited by - meadow77 on 20 January 2003 18:22:57

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Um ok, I will admit it. I watched every bloody episode while I crocheted. For one thing, it's not like Anna has exactly "lowered" herself to do this show.

    She claims that she is not on any drugs. She even walked out of a radio show because they asked her if she was drugged. The huge fake breasts are off-putting. I just don't get how ANY woman can have those things in her body.

    Still, I got a big kick out of MEGA-queen Bobby Trendy, her decorator. And her toothless Texan cousin showing up out of nowhere. After Anna takes her out to dinner, she then hits her up for twenty bucks.


  • Cicatrix

    I've always felt a twinge of empathy for Anna. I don't know if she needs a pat on the back for marketing herself so well, a spanking, or a hug.I'm leaning toward the latter. I get the feeling that she didn't get a whole lot of unconditional hugs, love, and affirmation while growing up.

    What amazes me is how many of her former male "fans" from her Playboy days now dis her because she is "fat".Ever consider the fact that this turncoat behavior of her former admirers might be part of her alleged drug problem??People often seek the limelight because of the need for approval and admiration. People often anesthesize self-esteem problems with drugs and alcohol.

    In the end, it always seems to end up being about a woman's size, age, or outer appearance in this culture, doesn't it? The youth/hottines factor always rules. You'll cheer on a bimbo as long as she "gets" you in all the right places, then jump on the bandwagon of her vocal (often jealous)critics as soon as she is of no use to you in your little fantasies.After all, there's always another younger, firmer one around the corner to replace her with, huh? Disposable women. I thought they only did that in China. How sad!!

    We hardly bat an eye when yet another male sports hero with way too much money to throw around gets arrested for cocaine possesion and other infractions of the law. Heck, journalists who report the stuff actually get threats from irate fans for reporting the truth! Male athletes who boast of their sexual prowess are admired, and no one gives a crap how flabby they get, unless it causes them to lose the game. Yet we have no problem "discussing" a woman's intellect, weight, drug habits, clothes, etc.and trying and convicting her in the public forum for her idiotic, all too human behavior.

    Anna's not a horror. She's a very beautiful, living human being. With feelings.Try and keep that in mind.


    Of the now I think I know why Marilyn Monroe killed herself class

  • joannadandy

    Didn't Nostradamus say that Anna Nicole having her own show would bring about the end of the world? I think that was in the scroll I read.

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