I'm new here, and a little afraid

by ydidIanswerthedoor 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Jesika

    Cute name!! Welcome to the board!!!!!!!!!!!

    Many here can relate to your experiences and you will find alot of support here. Glad you decided to join and be a part of things here.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you!!


  • siegswife

    Hi! and welcome! I'm not as old as you, but I'm also a grandmom. Thank God I got out before my boys became indoctrinated. I can't imagine what it would be like not to have contact with my grandkids. I'm sorry that you're subjected to that.

    I think you'll find that most of the people here will be able to understand completely what you've been going through. It may not resolve the problem, but it can help to deal with it.


  • DanTheMan

    The JW stories that break my heart the most are the ones where children of DF'd persons won't let their children associate with them. In my mind this sort of situation underlines the lunacy of this organization as much as anything else. GRRRRR

    Welcome aboard.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Welcome, YdidI. The whole JW experience is just so totally screwed up, it's a wonder any of us have survived. Well, venting here will surely be a help to you. Glad you joined us.

  • Solace

    Hi Y,

    Welcome to the board. Im sorry about your family. I was also apprehensive when I first began posting, but then I realized that many folks here are willing to give a listen, and help however they can.

    So glad you found us. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

  • Warrigal

    Greetings and a hearty welcome to you!!!

    You'll find many of the 'been there, done that' generation here. People here are kind and loving. So sorry your family has shunned you.....we won't.

  • cruzanheart

    Hi, YdidI, and welcome to the board! I'm impressed with you already. My grandmother changed her religion when she was 70 years old because she saw something wrong with what she had (she was Greek Orthodox and changed to Jehovahs' Witness), and I think that takes a lot of guts at a time in life when you'd think you'd be able to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labors. You are obviously a fighter, and because of that you will be fine. I look forward to hearing more from you! I'm sorry your family is shunning you, and I hope they realize one day the treasure they have lost.



  • Buster

    YdidI, Welcome. I'll be looking forward to your stories - I'll bet you have a ton. With the exception of child abuse, stories of separated families are the most heart rending.

    Let me also say, that is one neat name.

  • Mum

    Welcome, YdidI. I, too, like the name you've chosen!

    I'm so sorry about your family. I suffered about 10 years of being separated from my daughter when she was a child because her JW dad was using her to punish me. She's not a JW anymore, recently graduated from college, and calls me when she is happy, sad, or needs to discuss anything. She loves her dad and keeps in touch, but wants no part of his religion, so things can change.

    Looking forward to more of your story,


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Cool name, cool post. You'll fit in just fine. WELCOME!

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