A modest proposal: A national Do Not Call list

by Skimmer 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Skimmer

    Here's another idea for an electronic pathway into the WTBTS for the forwarding of Do Not Call demands; faxing them directly to Brooklyn via a web-to-fax gateway. Alternatively, any home compuer with a modem and some decent fax transmission software can do the job.

    The fax number for the WTBTS Office of Public Relations is 718 560-5619. Is this the same as the main fax number into the WTBTS?

    If the WTBTS prefers to handle DNC demands though Patterson, does anyone know what their fax number is?

  • stephenw20

    Skimmer, again mysuggestion is to write them a letter or ask for aletter fromthem to acknowlege your call.

    The letter willhave the fax # on it..........

    I have a fax # for patterson, but it is the Charitable Planning office.
    I spose one could call the CP office and ask if the # is the same... you might just get the DNC office # this way.


  • mustang

    Skimmer, SW20,

    Get it in writing, do it by correspondence. I know some of this recently changed (September, no less). But the older view is that electronic comm is not a LEGAL INSTRUMENT. The older PAPER documents were Legal Instruments and skirted a lot of the difficulties in items 2-6.

    Item #1: no blocks at a time, correlate entries to see if that is happening; suspect those that do

    Item #9: they will insist on a Legal Instrument per transaction.

    I'm old-fashioned, but so are they. WTS won't like this, so that would drag the heels, good enough. I might be wrong, though; if they already have a mechanism in place, they could cooperate. I doubt it, though, with their history of adversarial conflict.

    However, if you did this and everybody jumped on the bandwagon, they could say the preaching is over. Everybody signed a legal notice and the END IS HERE!!! Ha, ha.

    I know I'm running behind here, but Clinton's push onto electronic documentation was premature. WTS is old-line on business methods, and there is good reason for that. The new stuff is too easy to fake or forge. Authentication is just not totally worked out for electronic stuff.

    Skimmer: there are OTHER facets to this type of approach. The brain-storming is a good idea.

    Still plenty to discuss and digest.

    continue disclaimer from previous thread entries

  • mustang


    Exploring Alternative #3: each applicant could provide enough local information that a 'web network' could assimilate the KH's and Elder data. Then a copy could go out locally and to Brooklyn.


  • Skimmer

    Hello mustang and thank you for your comments.

    You are correct that the WTBTS could very well put up a fight against electronically submitted DNC demands. They could claim (incorrectly, in my opinion) that even a remote possibility of error or fraud would invalidate the entire effort. To slow things down further, they might also require the DNC demand paper be signed by the householder and sent to the Kingdom Halls instead of Brooklyn. This I think is the worst case.

    Yet even then, they are still set up to get a flood of DNC demands. And here is how we can do it:

    1) Volunteers organized via the Internet are assigned territory. For each Kingdom Hall in the territory, the responsible volunteer identifies the legal mailing address of the hall, the hall phone number, and perhaps some other contact information. This is sent back to the project web site for archival purposes.

    2) Each volunteer produces a mailing list covering some residential segment of the territory. There are various sources for this, some public and some commercial. The web can be used here as well and there are sites that can crank this out, at least for those residences that have a listed telephone number. The segment mailing list is then sent to the project web site.

    3) For each address in a segment, a letter is generated (by computer, of course) that includes: an envelope with the DNC address, a one page description of the DNC project (this includes the KH contact data), and a pre-paid, pre-addressed postcard. The postcard contains the DNC address in its body along with a standard DNC demand and a space for the householder signature. It is addressed to the local Kingdom Hall. All the householder has to do is sign it and drop it in the mailbox.

    4) The project web site will keep track of which territory has been processed to avoid duplication that would only be wasteful and could annoy the householders.


    1) Yes, this is going to cost. In the USA, the cost per package will be about US$0.70 including postage and material. It may be more in other countries. It may be less if non-profit mailing status can be obtained. The cost could slow the effort, and it might become advisable to ask for contributions. But I'm rather set against asking for money. I did enough of that in the field service.

    2) Yes, there is a greater dependence on volunteers. I'm not concerned with this as there are millions of ex-JWs out there and I'm sure at least one in a hundred would be willing to help. Also, more than a few of them feel regret leading others into the WTBTS and would see this as an opportunity for atonement.

    3) Yes, there is less opportunity for accurately tracking the response rate. I suppose we will just have to look at the annual WTBTS statistics to see how the effort is doing. Perhaps the first indication of progress will be the condemnation articles that are sure to appear in the WT.

    It is important that the one page description of the DNC effort be short, easily understandable, neutral (I would include WTBTS contact information just to be fair), accurate, and legal. I doubt if the typical householder is going to be interested in what appears to be propaganda or advertising for opposing viewpoints. A side effect is that there just might be a few who become WTBTS converts; a sort of collateral damage. But each person should be free to chose their own destiny. I just want them to be informed.

  • mustang

    NEWS FLASH: The Blainville Canadian situation reportedly has been ruled on, in favor of WTS. See Orbison's post on this, entitled
    "Witnesses Can Keep Visiting".

    Not knowing the real inclination or "flavor" of Canadian Law & Courts, I was unsure of how this would go. I felt that they patterned their law in the direction the U.S. goes, but also
    have the British influence and some socialist overtones from
    whatever direction.

    While I felt that they could have gone much more conservative, it appears that they have ruled as the U.S. typically does. That is
    in favor of the religious freedom, even if it is not so orthodox.

  • heff


    Personally, I LOVE it when the witnesses stop by. I have myself a blast with 'em. Keep em comin', I say!!

    ...is that a knock....?

  • Skimmer

    From what I've read about thte recent Canadian decision, I have to say I agree with the result. Civil authority is overstepping its bounds whenever it tries to limit the right of free association.

    Of course, this has nothing to do with the GDNCL Project. The Project acts only as an assisting intermediary for the forwarding of do-not-call requests to the WTBTS.

    Freedom of religion including the ability to go door to door (although I don't believe there is any support for this in the bible, Acts 20:20 notwithstanding) must be protected in a free society. And so what also must be protected is the equally important right for a householder to easily opt-out of uninvited religious calls. Let us hope that the WTBTS is fair minded enough to accept and support both of these rights with the same enthusiasm.

  • larc

    I agree with heff,

    I hope that they stop at my door. I would love to talk to them. Unfortunately, they have been scarce lately.

  • stephenw20


    yes a nice run for the money is good, but what of your neighbors.....they dont have your perspective wealth of background on who is at the door....

    if they came with JUST a bible...and left the other paper in Brooklyn , I would SUPPORT this FREEDOM they fight for.......

    its just a mask...skrting the law to get those magazines out.

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