what to believe now?

by christopherceo 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ScoobySnax

    Hello Chris! ......... On the other hand what was "drilled into you" might just have been right. Keep an open mind, if like me you are on the outskirts. Steer clear of the angry ones, little reason is found there, avoid bitterness, keep your own mind, and always always question what others tell you here and elsewhere. Good luck in your search!

  • SwedishChef

    First Corinthians 3:11 states "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ."

    Jesus is the foundation that will not fall, the mighty Rock of ages, in Whom you can put your trust. Stay in God's word, it will not misdirect you.

    The truth doesn't come from the WT or it's literature. No prophecy is left to private interpretation, as 2 Peter 1:20 states. And nobody has to depend on what others say is the truth. The Word of God stands firm by itself.

    If you have any questions about God and the Bible, please feel free to e-mail me, and I will do my best to answer what you may ask. May your search end at the straight gate, the way of life.

    Matthew 7:13,14 "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

    John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

  • zephaniah

    I'm in a similar boat as you, christopherceo. I was practically raised a JW (parents converted when I was 8 yrs old), but never, ever felt adequate (just wanted to be like everyone else, and like my 3 other brothers, who studied briefly, but never became witnesses). I studied for many, many years with some dude that I could hardly relate to, and who kept drilling things into my head like "being destroyed" and that I was either "for or against Jehovah" (no in-between). I never got baptised because I never thought I could live up to the dedication, and utimately up to Jehovah. My parents are relatively "easy-going" JW's who love me and my other siblings very much (but deep down, I know they wished I take a stand, study again, and get baptised). Now I'm in a situation where I'm totally in love with a young lady who is not a JW. I really hope that when the time comes, and we are both ready, we can get married (she still has another year of college). She is respectful of my beliefs, and has no intentions of changing hers (she's a christian and goes to church with her mom on sundays). I have many questions. I don't want to (and never really wanted to . . .) be a JW, but are there any other churches that I can check out? (Unitarian?) Is not being a JW mean that I'll be "destroyed"? (that term freaks me out!!!!) what if we get married and have kids . . .what can we (or I) teach them to believe? I've got more to say, but just wanted to get some feedback! I'm scared, confused, and occasionally severely depressed over this. I love this girl very much, but I'm unsure about my future.

  • Carmel

    Welcome Chris! I searched for over twelve years after leaving the borg, finally gave up and resigned myself to the notion that I would live my life as a moral person and forget about trying to make sense out of all the contending religions. What I believe now actually found me while I was not "looking" and far surpassed any idea of the "ideal" religion. How little we humans make of the cosmology, usually trying to fit it into humanist thought or out warn religiuous concepts that are inappropriate for the needs of the contemporary world. I wish you well in your search. The only advice I can give is keep your mind open and your heart attuned to your intuition. You'll find it and recognize it when it happens.


  • kelpie

    Welcome Chris

    You will have a rollercoaster ride of emotions ahead of you.. You will have doubts you will have questions. At times you will get scared.

    Remember, we are all here for you.. we have all been through the same exiting emotional ride that you are going through.. True, circumstances that led to us leaving are different and varied but we still know what its like.

    My email is always open if you ever need to talk to anyone.


    Kelps (of the female class, people always get confused)

  • MegaDude


    You should join the new religion I'm creating. Email me privately for details. It's all good. I call it truth, but you'll have to judge for yourself. There's a steep monthly contribution but the upside is I don't make you go out in service. Look for my personal book on my truthful Bible interpretations coming soon. And remember, "No one comes to the Father except through Mega." New Light available monthly for all who join. Don't wait. The spirit is moving me to tell you The End is coming soon. Be humble. Accept my authority. Ignore those who disagree with me. If you don't believe in me, you lack faith. Work on that if you need to. That about sums it up. You'll notice my church is like a lot of other religions, including the JWs, so it will feel like home to ya.

  • j61tabby

    I have done a lot of praying quite regularly in the past 3 months. I have attended only 3 churches since I have been out. Like the other's who have advised you Chris, keep an open mind and heart. Presently I am searching for the truth and I know in my heart it is out there. Guess I will know when I see it. Beware of individuals who want to mold you. I have been out for about 7 years now and the longer I am out the more I see was wrong. It is like a fog is lifted. My mother just didn't see where she went wrong and why none of her 4 daughters and granddaughter that she raised isn't in the truth. But none of us can really explain it to her because she just won't hear what we are trying to tell her. But no matter what happens in our families we need to remember their conditioning is still there and they are acting on what has been drilled into their heads. Well, enough of my rambling, hope I have said something to help someone, if not, I sincerely apologize.

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