Dancing today

by Haereticus 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Trotafox


    When I meditated on the word GUIDANCE, I kept seeing "dance" at
    the end of the word. I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like

    When two people try to lead, nothing feels right. The movement
    doesn't flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable.
    When one person realizes and lets the other lead, then both begin to
    flow with the music.

    One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge or by pressing lightly in
    one direction or another. It's as if two become one, moving beautifully.

    Dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from one
    person and gentle guidance and skill from the other.

    My eyes drew back to the word GUIDANCE. When I saw "G," I thought
    of God, followed by "u" and "i." . . . "God, "u" and "i" dance." God, you,
    and I dance. This statement is what guidance means to me. As I lowered my
    head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance about my life.

    Once again, I became willing to let God lead.

    Dance together with God, trusting Him to lead and
    guide you through each season of your life.

    May You Always Dance !!!!!


  • Haereticus

    Thank you for each and everyone, you have contributed very interesting messages. I was not aware that this subject would inlude so differing attitudes within JW community. I was DF'd over 30 yrs ago and probably before that time situatiation was more uniform. Another thing to remember though is the nature of dancing, as long as the Bible is concerned dancing was different by then. But as we all seem to know too well, this dear dub society is amazingly sharp in spotting demons, sex and filth everywhere.


  • raistlin_majere

    Heres is the "approved" JW living standard.


    Read the Bible and Watchtower. Make sure that you do this, this is important above all else. Ignore everything else that goes on around you, stick your nose in that Kingdom Ministry pamphlet and never let your eyes appear over the edge lest Satan stumbles you and you must be subject to summary social execution!

    Go in service. You are a sheep and you must do as you are told and you are told to go and make/find more sheep to feed "the Organisation." Nevermind us investing in military hardware and conspiring with the UN our sworn enemy. Look the other way as we launder drug money in our billion dollar a year industry of spreading ignorance and intolerance.

    Work maybe, but making a living for yourself and planning retirement is secondary to reading the Watchtower and evangelising to people that hate your guts and laugh at you.

    You cannot have sex. If you do, you must place a bag over your heads and grope around in the dark. Forget about sexual satifaction, you are sheep and you are to breed only for the purposes of manufacturing more sheep. (Its amazing Witnesses breed as much as they do. I guess Darwin was wrong about the "biological dead end".)

    You may not dance because that vaguely reminds the "Ancient" Governing Body of sex in which we must place bags over our heads. If you are caught dancing you could be subject to summary social execution by "disfellowshipping". You will also be publicly humiliated if you are caught holding hands, French kissing in public, or other forms of open affections. *horrors*

    You must also have a virgin fetus fetish in where we must create massive curiostiy in our youth with the "forbidden sex". When they get curious about it we must punish them and publicly humiliate them so that they will never touch their "dirty" parts ever again. Nevermind that old dirty Elder Jones is fondling your sons and daughters when they go to the latrine. You don't see Bro so-and-so having gay sex with that goat over there... turn your eyes! No! Dont tell the cops! That would bring "reproach" upon the organisation! We can't have that! We would be hypocrits and no better than the Catholic Church if we did that!


    I hope that clarifies some.

  • Englishman

    This is as good as it gets, folks! As long as you don't actually touch someone, it's OK. Bit like being in a Bunny club I guess.

  • ashitaka

    So many times I've lost my pants while dancing....it immoral for sure!

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