Blame Canada!!

by gsx1138 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • animal

    You'll be back to visit... to buy the cheaper stuff here. When I worked in Winnipeg, folks went to North Dakota by the carloads to load up on the cheaper goods here.


  • Scully

    I have to put in a plug for Ottawa, both for it's beauty... it's fairly close to the Great Lakes (Lake Ontario in particular), and because Ontario tends to compensate our health care professionals quite well. We are 2 hours west of Montreal, and 4.5 hours from Toronto. If you get lonely for the US, it's only an hour to upper NY state. Kingston is also a good choice for its proximity to water.

    Be sure to bring your wooly underwear for the winter.

    Love, Scully

  • dottie

    Welcome to Canada!

    I love in Edmonton Alberta, where it is much, much too cold. I'm in uni for nursing and I plan to move to BC when I'm done. I think you'd LOVE vancouver, and anywhere on the Island Most of my in-laws live there as well so we get there as often as we can !

    Have fun planning & good luck!


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Is there a "Draft" in Canada?.

    Snoozy...Who would like the Free Medical!

  • LB

    Well Canada isn't on my hotlist of places to live. I enjoy Maui so much that I'm sure I'll be paying american income tax until they kick me out. That free medical coverage in Canada isn't so free when you consider taxes.

  • Michael Collins
    Michael Collins

    Have you ever considered Ireland?

  • Satanus

    Victoria, on vancouver island is a rich persons retirement city. Lots of medical needs there. Lots of british culture. The northern part has some indian culture. There are pockets of old hippys here and there. Lots of mj. Beautiful coastline. Vancouver city is very new age. Lots of energy and some fakeness, and faddishness. It's an expensive place to live. Victoria is slower paced.

    Toronto is close to big water as well, but money is everything.

    Halifax, nova scotia is a nice city. People are tough and down top earth. Scottish and accadian (french) background.


  • Realist


    wouldn't the main question be if you like it HOT or cool?

    in case you like it hot move to sydney! great city!

  • SPAZnik

    Canada can always use more medical staff. We suffer from "brain drain", losing our trained medical people to the States (not sure why, might wanna look into salaries up here vs. down there, depending on your qualifications, they might pay well to get you up here!).

    Canada is beautiful. Our tourism site will give u a taste of that.

    As for the West Coast: I haven't been to "the Island" (Vancouver Island) myself yet, but all I hear are rave reviews about it. Haven't heard a bad word yet about that place. Have however seen many a breathtaking photo of everyone else's trips there! Taxes in BC are 14.5% :(
    They have an ocean. :) (Listening to SS's review, i think i'll consider moving there myself!)
    You might like Vancouver or Vancouver Island. Very city. Right on the ocean. Very expensive though.

    Taxes in Alberta are only 7% (gst provincial tax).
    Calgary is a city of a million, with a small town feel to it. But not near an ocean. :(
    We do, however, have quick access to mountains and rivers and lakes. Trees. And a zoo. :)
    We're not very humid though, cold dry winters. :(

    Not familiar with the east coast at all. So I defer to Scully and SS for that review.

    Yes, you've gotta ask yourself, do you like snow?
    When it comes to Vancouver and the Island, it's more like, do you like rain?


    Edited by - SPAZnik on 13 January 2003 7:48:36

  • wheelwithinwheel

    Taxes are high in Canada, lower in Alberta (no provincial tax) - re-visiting the States you will find your hard earned Canadian dollar won't go far. I personally prefer Montreal over Toronto (expensive housing) or Vancouver (rainy and expensive housing)

    Visit Montreal before making any decisions

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