Religion of the Light and Sound of God

by Robdar 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    Check out Eckankar

  • kelsey007

    Robyn are you trying to get converts or just entertaining us?

  • auntiem

    Interesing Robdar.

  • Robdar
    Robyn are you trying to get converts or just entertaining us?

    LMAO at Kelsey. Nope, not trying to convert. Just thought I would share. Most people have never heard of Eckankar.

    Antiem, I am pleased you found it interesting. So did I.



  • kelsey007

    BTW Robyn I have heard of this before. And thank you for recognizing my poor attempt at dry humor.... Who knows someone may see the light and hear the sound of god!

  • Robdar
    Who knows someone may see the light and hear the sound of god!

    LOL Kelsey, but then again, maybe not.

    Love ya,


  • Satanus

    A friend of mine was able to astro travel by following one of the exercises in one of their books. So, i went to one of their big summer assemblies. The way it was run, w numerous usshers everywhere directing everything, reminded me a lot of the jw assemblies. At one point, they would not allow us back into the main assembly w coffees, so we left, and i never went back. They have turned klemp into a cult figure, a demigod. He is the dream master. My conclusion is that some of their stuff works, but it's going towards cultism.


  • Francois

    Interesting stuff. Definitely cultic. Just another organization that claims that you need something outside your own god-seeking self to find god. Nertz.

    Enquire Within

  • Introspection

    You know, isn't it funny that all these religions have some sort of "exercise" - be it prayer, some sort of meditation, chanting or whatever? Now I'm not saying those things are wrong or anything, but what is the intent except to try to get God to do what you want - show up at your beck and call, basically?

    Of course, this is to say nothing of the fact that seeing a special light or whatever is simply PHENOMENA. I mean, sure if it's unusual enough it may be kind of interesting, but how do you go from that to concluding that you found God? Lets just consider for a moment the possibility that ultimate reality is not found in any one or two of the senses, be it vision, hearing, smell, taste or whatever. What's left? How can you "know" something? I mean we do know everyday relative stuff through the senses, but what's the common denominator there? Hmm.. What about awareness? I mean you need awareness with any of the senses, but now compare this to the typical approach of religion: Do this that and the other thing and you'll get from A to B. Are you aware of what you're doing? Or are you just acting like the rest of the lemmings because you've heard it's the thing to do?

    Now don't get me wrong, I recognize that there are a lot of things in life where we'd try it and see how it goes, and of course in that case you're testing it out. But when someone follows something religiously, they just seem to be going at it like they're in a trance right? Even the pursuit of awareness itself can take on this form, you can meditate or whatever just out of a belief that you'll become more aware. What if it's really just a simple matter of being aware, rather than any object of awareness? Sounds boring eh? Well, I guess that's why religion sells. There ain't too many selling points to just being aware, and it doesn't cost anything so it can't be worth anything right? What if the truth is just not that exciting?

  • Robdar

    Enquire Within


    That is what Eckankar teaches. How to inquire within. They also teach that the only pathway to God is through love. And when we listen to the voice within, the only way to understand it is through love.

    It is an interesting religion. The publications that I have read have sometimes frightened me, especially with what they have to say about Jehovah (I wasn't ready to hear that yet, having just left the WTS) but they did cause me to open my mind to other possibilities.

    The people, for the most part, are creative and lively; offering good fellowship twice a month at the temple. I never joined up but I never join social groups anyway. And, to be honest, I haven't been to temple in over 5 years.

    Eckankar is an interesting religion with many novel ideas. Although, as Saint Satan pointed out and I agree, they do seem to be becoming more cultish.


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