"Bible Students" and 1919

by artful 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DannyBear


    I enjoyed reading all the responses myself. I hope that your wife continues her search for the truth regarding 'the truth'.

    The history of this incidious religion called Jehovah's Witnesses is a very revealing study in the origin and developement of a cult. What started out to be the musing of a wealthy habadasher in the late 1800's, developed into a mega publishing corporation, with undertones of fanatical religious dogma. All in the name of praising God, this religion has left a legacy of tears, blood, suicides, and families forever damaged.

    It is well worth the invested time to search out it origins, for they reveal very clearly that the wtbs is nothing more than a man-made, man inspired, effort at explaining the unexplainable. I guess every religion ever invented has aspired to provide answers, yet the history and track record of them all, proves the futility of placing trust in any group or organization that lays claim to the 'truth'.

    Really had a chuckel about your statement:

    ***What a bizarre requirement when you think about it - keeping a written record of the time you spend talking about God!!! Maybe God hands these report slips in to Satan every month to prove that there are people on earth "vindicating his name"! ***

    Happy searching.


  • hooberus

    MacHislopp , I don't have a scanner but if you like I will snail-mail you a copy.

  • raistlin_majere

    Some very intersting topics that were covered in previous posts.

    But one thing that seems to have gone completely un-noticed is that Russel was a Freemason. He is buried underneath a pyramid with the symbols of the Knights Templar and Illuminati engraved upon its surface.

    Both organisations are known for thier overt mind control of those that follow them. Such as the Freemasons tell their initiates lies contrary to the truths of the inner orders. JWs are based upon this. The organisation reflects it.

  • undercover
    While we are on the subject of 1919. A key Watchtower doctrine is that Jesus found and appointed a Faithful and Discreet Slave Class in the year 1919.

    An interesting doctrine. While Hooberus goes on to disprove this doctrine with the Society's own publications, something I would like to ask is: How can you prove, thru the Bible and only the Bible, that Jesus would find this FD&S in 1919?

  • hooberus

    While the NWT has the word "class" in three places in the New Testament. The word "class" nowhere appears in the parable of the faithful and discreet slave. This alone makes the teaching suspect from a biblical standpoint.

    The year 1919 also does not appear in the Bible.

  • hooberus

    Speaking of 1919. How could the Watchtower leaders names have been written in the book of life when they endorsed the "beast"

    "The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly, but their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the foundation of the world." Revelation 17:8 NWT

    "We cannot but admire the high principals embodied in the proposed League of Nations, formulated undoubtedly by those who have no knowledge of the great plan of God. This fact makes all the more wonderful the ideas which they express." Watchtower February 15, 1919 p. 51

  • artful

    Danny: Thanks for your words of encouragment...I will keep searching. The search for 'truth' is really a journey that never ends, but then again, searching is really the fun part!

    Thank you to everyone for your comments on this thread!

    Hooberus and undercover raise a good point regarding 1919 - there is no scriptural basis for the appointment of a "faithful and discrete slave" (class or individuals) in 1919.

    Firstly, even if Christ did "return invisibly" in 1914, there is nothing in the slave parable (or anywhere else in the scriptures) to indicate that there would be numerous "potential slaves" for the "master" to choose ONE from - the WTS says that when Jesus inspected Christendom's various representatives they were found wanting, however, the WTBTS was found to be faithful.

    Secondly there is nothing in the slave parable (or anywhere else in the scriptures) to indicate that the "master" would wait a period of time to "observe" the slave (or other potential slave candidates) before deciding who to appoint.

    Having said that, the WTS really seems to be placing a lot of emphasis (by repeated mentions) on this (imaginary) 1919 appointment in both the book study and Watchtower materials over the past year or so. However, I'm not quite sure why they would want to move the emphasis away from Christ's return (1914) to this "appointment" (1919). Although, I suppose due to all of the internal turmoil, doctrine changes, and declines in membership taking place between 1914-1918 they would rather focus the dubs attention after this "testing" period. Any other ideas?


  • NeonMadman

    Hope this helps, but I'm not sure if it will. Here's the WT's annual report for 1919, from the 12/15/1919 Watchtower magazine:

  • RR

    Artful ask:

    1. Does anyone know how many "Bible Students" (Jehovah's Witnesses) there were in 1919? I know that WTBTS keeps such meticulous records of their "flock" now, but I have no access to material that covers that time period.

    Hard to say, the Society was just a publishing house in those days, the congregations were independent of each other AND the Society. So there were no roll calls or keeping track of members. The best one can do is the memorial participation that were submitted to the Society, and even that is suspect, because not every congregation submitted such records.

    2. Does anyone have any idea when the WTBTS led "Bible Students" became a functioning "religion" and not just a publishing company.

    The Judge began making changes immediately after he took office, and slowing began transforming the organization into his kingdom. Each change caused a division. "The Finished Mystery" cause many congrebagtions to abandoned the Society, the suggesting of buying US War Bonds cause a major schism that helped form the Standfast Bible Students Association. The ousting of the four directors and other prominent BIble Students helped formed the Pastor Bible Institute, Inc. and the Laymen's Home Missionary Movement. More changes in the 1920s, helped formed what would become the Dawn Publishers.

    By 1925 Jehovah's Theocratic Organization was formed with their article "Birth of a Nation" which taught the "Us against them" theology. By 1931 the name "Jehovah's WItnesses" was adopted and in 1935, the door to heaven was closed and the focus on an earthly class or Great Company was born.

    By then the separation was done, however the Society new witnessing techniques recruited more members. So while the ld school were leaving, a new generation were coming in .... in droves.


  • MacHislopp

    Hello NeoMadman,

    thanks for the scan of the "Z.W. 15.12.1919 "

    Excellent! I'm preparing something.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    P.S. Do you have other Z.W from 1919 -1935 period?

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