Do you still use the name Jehovah when you......

by termite 35 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    ..pray with your kids ?

    My son is only 8 and went to the Kingdom Hall from birth to 6 1/2 years old.I don't mind praying for/with him every night as he wants me to, even though my 'faith' has changed alot these past 18 months and at the moment i'm content to enjoy my freedom and let experiences in life direct me instead of a religion.

    He wants me to use the J word and I feel really uncomfortable using it

    It actually makes me, well, embarassed really.

    I have a problem with the name because I feel my using it ,endorses all it implies ( that the witnesses still have approval by God as they are the only ones to really use the name) and by using it we can't move on to an exploration of everything else.

    I use it less and less-but he still wants it (my fault, I know- years of 'you should use his name...') even though i've tried .I hope he eventually drops it after hearing it less and less.

    Do you feel comfortable with the name Jehovah now ?

    Does it make you cringe ?

    Do you use it for your kid's sake ?

    Did you use it and have successfully phased it out ?

    Just wondering xx

  • Elsewhere

    I had a serious beef with all religion when i first left the organization... I literally hated anything related to religion... i didn't want to have anything to do with it. I cringed at the thought of stepping inside a church or opening the bible or any other "holy text".

    In time i realized that I was hating what I associated with the organization. I have sence be able to "disassociate" religion and religious terms and activites from the organization.

    You think you are cringing at the use of the name "Jehovah", when in reality you are cringing at the Watchtower Bible and Trackt Society.

    As the JWs say, you need to "make the truth your own".

    Once you learn not to associate such things with the organization, you will be able to worship freely.

  • mouthy


  • Mac

    Swear?..........yes, only then!!!

    mac, of the knows a dirty word class

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Hi Elsewhere; I think the comment you made about association is interesting.I associate, as I expect many do,the word Jehovah with meetings, councel for ridiculous reasons, low self image, hypocracy and bad memories.

    I think I just resent having to keep the link (via the name) alive in my house when I want to erradicate all memory of the corrupt organisation it stands for. When you leave the org. and your children are grown or very small this problem would'nt come up. My girls are happy just to use the word god.

    I wonder how many other children want to still use, and keep alive, a word they heard SO often that noone else (outside the KH) uses ? Some of the other ' theocratic' words they heard at meetings and keep in their vocabulary make them stand out like a beacon. sigh.

    Mouthy and Mac; what more can I say?!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I still say Jehovah when I pray in front of the kids. I don't have a problem with the name, only the organization. Now if you want to talk about whether that is really God's name or not, that's an entirely different issue.

    But I think Elsewhere is correct when he says to separate the religon from God. Each of us has to determine what we believe and live our lives accordingly. Just be careful about being embarrassed in front of your kids during prayer. They could think it's about them, or even that praying is something to be ashamed of. Try talking about it casually with them and see what they have to say.

  • whyhideit

    I am not Christian and I see Jehovah as a representative of SPIRIT in the Christian Magick practice of prayer, same goes for the title JESUS CHRIST. I don't channel my request to SPIRIT through a title, I look directly to the source in ritual and meditation.

  • Pistoff

    I still use it; I still go to be with my family. At home, I use it in prayers for meals because I think it would really alarm my wife and kids not to use it; they are still a tender age and I am trying to figure out how to get out of this "alive".

    When I pray at night, sometimes I use it and sometimes I don't. It is hard to break 40 years of habit.

    I guess it is an emotional thing; to consciously not use it means for me an end of an era in my life, and as a soon to be empty nester, I kind of cling to a few things.

  • SixofNine

    Why not just research the origin of the word "Jehovah" with your son? It will get him over any idea that it is gods name, and teach him how to do research and critical examination at the same time. And stop pandering to his pathetic little 6 year old traditions , honestly, is a little change gonna hurt him? Nope, it'll do him good to see that adults change their beliefs based on new information.

  • Brummie

    We teach our kids to call God "Father"...they dont call me by my first name either. Its respectful and teaches relationship rather than just head knowledge of Gods name like the name "Jehovah" is mere head knowledge to JWS.

    Jesus taught us to call God "Father" in the model prayer at Matthew 6:9- If you show this to your children they will understand relationship towards God.


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