Is This Old News?

by Alexis_Hart 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alexis_Hart

    I don't know if someone has already posted on this at a previous time and I just didn't see it then, but I saw something for the first time on TV today that totally blew me away.

    It happened while I was watching a local television channel's normal afternoon of syndicated shows, during the commercial break. I'm sure a lot of you have seen the commercials from the Mormons and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They're always promoting family and love and togetherness. Well, this commercial I watched seemed like a carbon copy of every single Latter Day Saint commercial I've ever seen in my entire life, with one detail changed. At the end, instead of the normal tag line "Brought to you by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints", it said "Sponsored by the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses."


    Has membership gotten so bad for the org that they're actually following suit from the mormons and running television advertisements trying to get new converts to come in? I just couldn't believe what I had seen. Had anybody else seen these on your local stations?

  • StinkyPantz

    Yeah that's been out for a while but gross nevertheless.

  • Nickey

    You serious? I don't think I've seen it yet.

    Edited by - Nickey on 10 January 2003 17:46:40

  • caligirl

    Oh please tell me it isn't true! That is just sick! Guess I have just not been unfortunate enough to have to see it! Bleecchh! So much for "remaining separate"

  • RunningMan
  • No Apologies
    No Apologies


    can you tell where you are located? I have not seen the commercials on the air, but I have heard about them.

  • Alexis_Hart

    No Apologies,

    I live in North Dakota. Apparently these commercials have been around for a little while, but this is the first time I had seen one, let alone even knew they existed. I guess I should have expected it was only a matter of time before they took advantage of yet another opportunity to "spread the good news".

  • Elsewhere

    They quote titus saying "Love your children", but at the same time they make my parents shun me.

  • Kenneson

    There have been other threads on this topic. Check this one:

  • setfreefinally

    I am from ND and I havent seen one of those commercials yet either.

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