Being stalked?

by Ghosthunter 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • onthego

    They are being told it is near the end and things not done before are being done "to snatch some out of the fire." Of course it's not true for the real truth is the higher-ups on down are guilty of hiding pedophilia as seen with the report about Ted Jarazs sexually molesting children. And he's at the top of ladder. This latest Armageddon fable along with the reality of Gulf War II serves to divert the attention of local elders from the criminal policies of the top heads in Brooklyn.

  • COMF

    Why are you being ugly to them?

  • wednesday

    Didn't u say u were new in the town? I very well remember a program on the service meeting suggesting persons to check with local utility co and anything that would have u registered as a part of the community, it was a way of contacting new people as they move into our territory . Sort of trying to be the first to welcome u to the community and invite u to the KH. I remember this very well, I would bet that is what has happened. Could be that all 3 persons that contacted u did the smae thing and just never relayed the info to each other. More info than one would like to think can be found out about anyone who ons property..Probably thye knew nothing about u at all, just that u were new in town.

  • Ghosthunter

    I wasn't being "ugly" to them at all. I was nice, but firm. My husband was not so nice after they showed up 3 weeks in a row.

    And, no, I'm not new in town. We've been in this house for almost 4 years. We are approximately a mile from the closest KH. Before this latest "visit", they had maybe showed up twice in the last 3 years. I guess I made the mistake of telling them I was DF'd. They want to save me!!!!!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Sounds like you've got a congregation with little or no growth and a worn out territory. They're looking to pump up their stats quickly (probably in reaction to pressure from the CO) so they look like they're doing something.

    If you really want to get rid of them tell them the next time they show up you're calling the cops. Also, tell them to put you on their Do Not Call list. It's not absolute, and sooner or later they'll call on you, but it ought to make your point.

  • Haereticus

    I was contacted several yrs ago - over 20 yrs after I was DF:d. It was the very same PO that did show me the way out, now offering a return.


  • ugg

    hi and welcome to the board..

  • TR

    Hi Ghost,

    Maybe it's time for a good old fashioned restraining order. Can you get one to keep persistant religious zealots away? I'm not sure.


  • ugg

    sorry to hear about your troubles,,,,hope it does not continue!!!!!!! WELCOME to the board...

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