Lets Start An Urban Myth!

by Englishman 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    This could really be fun if we did it right. All the ingredients are here, ie, mischeivous 'postates, plus we could start a rumour in each country that could well snowball if we did our homework. Then we could just sit back to see how long it took for it to come full circle.

    So, what believable rumour would catch on if were to see that it somehow reached the ears of a few JW's?

    Mmm, something like digeridoo's are Satanic because of their mystical aboriginee origins perhaps?

    Maybe if we got our heads together we could come up with something believeable and pass it on via the thousands of people who post here?

    Heh heh heh.Hopefully, the little devils will have scared any true dubs off.


  • Francois

    A friend and I came rushing into his mother's house just after a meeting she'd missed and said to her, "You should have been at the meeting. The society has just received new light that JWs can't eat pork any more (we picked pork because we knew she was cooking a pork roast that day)."

    She bought it. She was ready to throw out her pork roast and go to McDonald's. If we hadn't owned up, we'd have been a Mickey D's. Point is, you can get a JW to believe in just about anything. They have a lifetime of training.

  • dannyboy

    [Background: Here in the US it has been widely reported that obesity is just as dangerous as smoking when it comes to life expectancy, so.....]

    Overweight Witnesses will be given 6 months to lower their weight down to "acceptable" levels (each elder body will judge what will be an acceptable weight), those not complying will be disfellowshipped. Each congregation will maintain an "official" scale, etc. etc.


  • TR

    Upon leaving the WTS, X-'hovahs are credited with 70 virgins to do with as they will.


  • YERU2

    Did you hear about the JW who visited Disney Land and was attacked by minature Mickey Mouses in the Magical Kingdom Castle?

    Worse still, coffee from Columbia has been cursed by Voodoo priestess' and all Christians that drink it run the risk of being demonized. (That should keep em out of the coffee shops while out on service).

    Starbuck's coffee was founded by the brother of the Raelions, the cult that believes human life was created by cloning aliens Profits from starbucks goes into funding the spread of this cult and was directly linked to funding the recent cloned babies. The reason the parents won't allow the children to have their DNA checked is because the kids have grown horns and scales and resemble devils.

  • meadow77

    In order to really stand apart from the world, the org has now decided that everyone has to shave their heads, and write a big JW in perm marker on their heads. This way they will be easily identified at the Big A. I mean we would hate for God to get confused. Rumors are funny. Here in town there is a chinese buffet. They got closed down cause a man saw a cockroach run across his plate. Well he was disgusted and told them he would not pay for his meal, but they were rude to him and threatened to call the police if he didn't pay. He was so mad he told anybody and everybody who would listen about this incident, and ended up getting them shut down for a short time. I know this is the real story because I know this man. Anyway, alot of people found out that the restaurant was closed down, and at first I heard several people retelling the story. Apparently there had been a cat carcass found in the trash. Then about 3 weeks later a friend was telling me that he heard a family was eating and a cat carcass fell from the ceiling onto their table. I had to laugh.

  • outnfree

    LOL @ Dannyboy!

    They'd never go for it! The GB wouldn't have anyone out selling mags as they'd all be at Powerhouse Gym. And who would enforce it? Had a good look at your elder body lately? LOL


  • cruzanheart

    Here's one for you: SwordOfJah is really Ted Jaracz in a dress.


  • Farkel

    I've got a GREAT ONE! Let's circulate the rumor that vaccinations are nothing but filthy animal pus!

    Do you think dubs will be stupid enough to believe that one? (Oh, wait. They already did believe that one.)


  • BeelzeDub

    Eman, to quote the famous XJW "You are so devilish!"

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