by Sirona 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shakita

    I don't know funk.

    Check this out:


    There are countless stories like this one on this site......can't be all hats, comets or religious figures.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • funkyderek

    Even the most ardent UFO supporters agree that 80-90% of UFO sightings are misidentifications or hoaxes, but instead of extrapolating from this that the unexplained sightings are more of the same, they assume that "unexplained" means "unexplainable" and decide that they must be alien spacecraft. Such a conclusion is not supported by the available evidence.

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    Interesting pictures, but they could be fakes!

    The problem with images especially as I mentioned earlier, is you can easily fool the eye. Just knocked together two flat bitmaps in Adobe (took 15 minutes of messing about - double that time and it would have been far more convincing):

    I could have posted this and said it was an ancient symbol carved into stone. The untrained eye would probably agree.

  • JeffT

    Here's an interesting pic I pulled off another board. Again to an untrained eye, it might look like somthing much different from what it really is. I am very skeptical of pulling up ancient artwork and claiming it is pictures of UFO's. Most of those pictures look like comets to me.

  • Carmel

    Just read Ezekial and you'll have all you need to describe your alien aircraft.


  • D8TA

    Just read Ezekial and you'll have all you need to describe your average everyday acid-drop user.

  • DakotaRed

    From 1947 to 1969, the US Air Force operated an investigation into UFO sightings called Project Bluebook. In this time, they investigated 12,618 sightings and were able to identify all but 701 of them. They remain "unidentified."

    To me, it is sheer arrogance for us to believe we are the only life in the entire universe or even the most intelligent.

    There are just too many sightings for me to believe all are mistaken or made up, although some are. Where there's smoke, there's fire.

    Lew W

  • Goshawk



    Edited by - goshawk on 9 January 2003 7:20:28

  • Abaddon

    I love this stuff; JeffT, that photo is a Stealth Bomber (not the F117, the big one, the cockpit profile is identical), and has been Photoshoped, or is pictured with some weird effect with water moisture in the atmosphere (like the vortex you see at wing tips in certain weather conditions).

    If there is 'cloaking technology' about, then it is so far removed from the current understanding of physics that it probably was ripped of the aliens, either that or modern society is a show put on for the benefit of the masses by those in control (New World Order, Iluminati, my Uncle Bob) who don,t want them to know the future is now, or both of those possibilites. Either that or it's baseless speculation.

    As for stuff in the sky, generally speaking what people see in the sky (and they always have seen stuff in the sky) is influenced by the age they are in. In the Middle Ages it was Devils, Angels, and Armies. If all those were peoples' imagination, then it's most likely that today it is mostly peoples' imagination.

    So, yeah, UFOs may exist. There's no hard evidence, plenty of anecdotal evidence, but little logic.

    If they wanted us to know something, they'd choose someone other than a pig farmer in Alabama that no one would believe to appear to, and if they didn't want us to know they were here, it's unlikely we would, as if they can travel between stars, eluding our detection would be simple to them.

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