Wish I wasn't wishy-washy!

by rebel 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rebel

    No - I'm not talking about the pantomime character. I'm talking about my beliefs.

    I really envy those of you who say "There is no God" or "There is a God" because at least you have a belief one way or the other. Some say they believe in the Trinity, others say it is rubbish, some say when we die we go to heaven, others say we go to the grave, others say there is no resurrection hope. What I am getting at is, I wish I could be so certain about these things. I have spent the past couple of months studying so hard - and do you know what? I am no nearer knowing anything than when I started. There is a scripture that says we shouldn't be uncertain, swayed this way and that (I can't remember where it is) but I can't help it. I really want to be certain one way or the other. I think it is important to have an open mind and allow others to have their own opinions, but I wish I had an opinion. It must be nice to be certain about things - I hate this uncertainty that I feel.

    Sorry guys - I was feeling depressed and just thought I would share this with you.


  • Sirona


    It sounds like you are approaching this all wrong. I've done it, and I sometimes still fall into this trap. I read, read, read, study, study, study, discuss, discuss, discuss - all about my faith and that of others, about God(ess) etc. Then one day I realise that this isn't all about head knowledge or study....no 100% definate answer exists.

    Take it from me. My father spent his entire life looking for the one answer and he never found it.

    Lay off the study. Lay off the incessant thinking about it. Experience life - everything in it. Notice the beauty around you. Take your time. Your path will become clear to you and I've found that in stillness there are more answers than any book can give. Its my opinion that life is just a journey - a lesson - and that no rushing for answers will help you.

    Thats just my opinion, of course.


  • Sirona

    just another idea - I've found that my depressed feeling does not come from uncertainty - but that uncertainty developed from the depressed feeling. Care for yourself - give yourself a break and a few treats. The uncertainty of life eases when depression does...IMO. (certainty is sought when you are feeling vulnerable).


  • rebel


    Everything you said makes such sense. Especially "just another idea - I've found that my depressed feeling does not come from uncertainty - but that uncertainty developed from the depressed feeling."

    That is so true. It has just dawned on me. I am so obsessed at the moment with finding the true religion, the meaning of life, what happens when we die, that I think I've gone off the rails a bit. I do seem to be going round and round in circles, not sleeping, going to work, not eating, getting more stressed, going to work again and it goes on and on.

    Thank you so much for that.


  • larc

    Rebel, years ago, I used to wrestle with these issues and ideas. I finally came to the conclusion, that I could not figure it out. So, for years I have direct my attend to things I could figure out. I do not concern myself with the unknowable, and I think that is what all of the issues you meantion really are. Is there an after life? I don't know. If there is, there is nothing I can do to influence the outcome. I concern myself with day to day living, to the things I can effect. This is my agnostic philosopy. I am not saying this is the right direction for you or anyone else, nor would I try to convince anyone to adopt this philosophy. It works for me, but may not be the right course for someone else.

  • Gopher

    "What's the nature of God?" "What happens when we die?"

    Sound like public talk titles at your local Kingdom Hall? Many religions claim to have the final word on these and many other questions. So they gain their little followings, all the more power to them!

    But if one doesn't wish to be dogmatic, you could say this: The answers to these questions will be revealed to us, IF necessary, at the time we need to know them (which could be the afterlife or next life, or whatever you wish to call it).

    As others have said, if we concentrate on what we CAN know and can perceive, then we'll accomplish more with the current life that has been given us.

  • rebel

    Larc & Gopher,

    I take on board everything you say. I suppose the way I am does result from years and years of indoctrination. I definitely need to calm down a bit as I make myself really ill sometimes.


  • neyank

    Does anyone really know for a certainty?

    There are many diferent religions in the world and each one will swear that they have the 'TRUTH' about God and everything else.

    I can't speak for other religions because the only one I know a little about is Christianity.

    It boils down to a book.
    That book is called the Bible.
    In the Bible it speaks of God, what He wants from us and what He intends on doing.
    There are many,many grey areas in the Bible that can be interperted many diferent ways.

    And it is these grey areas that diferent groups build their religion on. Catholics, Protostants, Mormans, JWs, ect..................................................

    I used to be a person that looked at the Bible as the Word of God but now, I don't think I could say positively that it is.

    There are many discrepincies in its pages. Of course it was written many years ago by men with their own viewpoint on matters.
    If that were not the case, then how can there be so many interpertations of the same scriptures?

    So we have the Bible. People, imperfect humans years ago decided what books should be included within the Bible and which ones should not.

    Could they have used bias to determine which ones they would consider sacred?

    I believe so.

    What I will say with certainty is I don't believe there is any special group that is speaking for God at this time.
    Just look at the fruits of the worlds religions and you'll see why I can say that.

    What I do believe is God will make sure at some point to let all mankind know without a doubt what real trth is.

    So I guess we're all wishy washy to some extent.


  • DannyBear


    Perhaps in comparison to the judgemental, dogmatic, rantings of the WTBS, and other fundementalists, your being 'wishy-washy' is in fact the more honest approach.

    When faced with the fact that noone can claim ANY absolute truth, as regards the questions you profer, then you tell me who is in a better frame of mind?


  • Sirona

    Glad what I said made sense to you, Rebel.

    I think I might take my own advice and give myself some nice treatment aswell....


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