What was your deadline?

by JH 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • GermanXJW

    At a homebiblestudy I once said the housholder that I personally think that the end would come by 2000. Must have been in the 80s.

    Well, now it is the father in law of a friend and sometimes I see him. I guess he does not remember but I do. Shame on me. :-(

  • Realist

    an elder i recently conversed with is convinced that the end will come within the next 3 years...right after the UN declares war an all religions worldwide

  • ashitaka
    OMG!! I wonder if you were talking to the guy who posts here as "proplog2"..... He recently posted here that the Great Tribulation would begin on December 20, 2002. He's been conspicuous by his absence since then

    Perhaps he flavored his kool-aid with anti-freeze on Dec. 21st.


  • Elsewhere

    I remember thinking that there was Nooooo Way the world would last long enough for me to get out of High School... well, 1991 came and went and I graduated... then I started thinking there is Nooooo Way the world would last until 2000.

    Oddly enough, I left the bOrg in1998... before 2000. For the 2000 New Years Eve I visited my parents and set off fireworks in the back yard at midnight.

  • Ed

    I was just a kid, but I was convinced the End would come in 1986. I read somewhere that the United Nations had declared 1986 to be the International Year of Peace and Security, and I thought "OMG, OMG, this is it!!!!!"

  • YERU2

    As a Catholic Christian I do beleive in the Second Coming, though it's a significantly different emphasis than the Watchtower has. I don't at all envision a date. It may or may not happen in my life time AND it doesn't matter. I should live everyday as if it were my last while still planning for my future and that of my children and grandchildren, etc

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