Elders? Ministerial servants? Pioneers

by lv4fer 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dia

    Wow, rem. Read through your questions and also your reading list.


    I think those questions and that letter should be be put into every jw's mailbox or on every windshield with an anonymous request to 'please help'.

  • minimus

    I held all positions except Service Overseer (never the best example). I've had doubts for years, then major doubts in the last couple. I resigned as an elder early this year. I do not regret it at all. I read COC not long after it first came out. That planted more seeds of doubt, but I was of the mindset that perhaps , if I remained as an elder, I might be able to help more than not. Even though I think that was the case to the last day, I'm glad to not have to follow the silly rules.....In my congregation, it was always eldress, Blondie. You know like mister and mistress. I still think eldrette sounds like a liitle toy elder or a less important designation to the elder's wife, one that suggests subjection.

    Edited by - minimus on 30 December 2002 9:31:21

  • RunningMan

    I was a Ministerial Servant for about three years. Technically, I began having doubts even before I was appointed, but tucked them away for a long time, until they just wouldn't stay tucked anymore.

    I am now irregular, reaching out for inactivity.

  • cruzanheart

    I went the whole gamut: elder's kid, pioneer, ministerial servant's wife, and finally a sister with a husband who didn't go to meetings. I'm glad I experienced all of it - it was very revealing and showed how corrupt the system is. I wasn't weak when I left, just disgusted and very, very angry


  • closer2fine

    Elder's daughter, pioneer - quit in my second year, faded away over the next year.

    Mulan - thanks for the card,it arrived today (we moved recently - I'll email you the details :o)


  • closer2fine

    Mulan - what did you mean about 2003? I haven't been around for months.


  • arachnia

    I was a regular pioneer in Rochester, MI from Sept 1988 to August 1989. Attended Pioneer School in Clarkston, MI in July 89. I needed health insurance and had to work full time to get it, so I went down to Regular Auxillary for a few months to keep the elders off my back. Got married, had doubts, but my husband (now-ex) was terrified of me expressing any of them so he kept me "in line" for a few years until I couldn't take it any longer and left both the religion and him in 1996.

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    I was an MS back in the 80's for a couple of years. Never pioneered though. (Auxillary pioneered one summer with Geddy's goofy brother).

    I had doubts about this whole JW thing from the time I was 6 years old, when the revelation book came out (1969). Even at six, I could not accept the story of the trumpet blasts of Revelation representing declarations at assemblies in Cedar Point. That seemed bizarre when I was six, and is still bizarre at 39.



    I started having doubts when I was being groomed to be a MS. I agree with the poster who said that they think you are so far into it they don't hide anything.

    When I was just a publisher with no responsibilty I saw nothing or heard nothing. But when I started running with the big boys I saw and heard it all. Then the doubts started to creep in. Now I'm doing the slow fade. I was a better witness when I didn't know anything.


  • ThiChi

    I have been a RP, MS and Elder......

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