Some of my Artworks

by refiners fire 67 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Debz

    Those are g8 Blondie........very nice...

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    If you did those Blondie. Im impressed. Especially the fruit one. Cezannelike, almost

  • Gizmo

    WOW Blondie wish i had such talents

    hmmmmm looks like paint ball on canvas...think I'll take up painting

    Edited by - elderrepents on 29 December 2002 21:16:3

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I think this is my favorite. Notice how the colors just burst out. Powerful picture.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Its a Total bust tex. Ive tried, the Xeen has tried and Debs has tried, but no pics of my paintings can be posted up. After seeing Blondies stuff maybe its for the best anyway.

    Edited by - refiners fire on 29 December 2002 21:32:57

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Just yanking your chain Refiners. Although I must agree Blondie's work is outstanding! If I could have a talent, I'm torn between the ability to sing and the ability to draw/paint. Either way I am completely envious of anyone who can do either.

  • Xena

    Sorry I couldn't make them work Refiners...I think Beck must have put some kinda voodoo curse on them!

    But I have to say they are most impressive and I hope that Beck is able to get them to post for you!

    Xena of the I can draw stick figures class

    Edited by - Xena on 29 December 2002 21:34:39

    Edited by - Xena on 29 December 2002 21:39:45

  • nilfun

    <==wishes she could see Refiner's and Debz work...!

    Oh, those pics are wonderful Blondie...(Femme en Rouge [2nd one] is awesome![[Pablo rawks!!]])

    (the more I see, the more I want to do..iron sharpens iron)

  • refiners fire
  • Gizmo

    I fixed it for you RF hope you don't mind????

    Edited by - elderrepents on 30 December 2002 8:35:15

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