If this happened, what would you do?

by whyhideit 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • neyank

    Hi whyhideit,

    Your scenario could very well happen.

    You asked:

    "how would you feel? Would it waken up some hidden fear inside of you to run back to the Kingdom Hall? Would it make you think this is the end? It is easy to say, "I would never go back" when all is going well, but history has proven that life can change with no notice"

    If it did happen, why would some return to the WTS?

    The WTS has proven beyond a doubt that they are a man made and man run orginization.

    They have gotten most of their teachings wrong and the jury is still out on some other teachings.

    The WTS is NOT the only doomsday cult screaming " The sky is falling. The sky is falling."

    So if it did happen it could be the fulfilment of Biblical prophecies wich have NOTHING to do with showing that any doomsday cult is a true religion.


  • back2dafront


    i'm now reading voxnyc's idea that America is going to nuke NYC and blame it on terrorists, blah-blah.

    Who knows if that's true or not. What has me thinking is this:

    • Freemasons have been linked to the founding of Jehovah's Witnesses.
    • The Bush family has been linked to Freemasonry.
    • WBTS is pulling up out of NYC currently and relocating upstate to Patterson.

    Things that make you go "Hmmmmmm" Again, how much of any of this info is actually true is debatable. I can't help but wonder what the motivation behind them pulling out of NYC is though. It'll be interesting to see how quickly it unfolds.

  • JH

    First of all, If I went back it would be for Me, not for them. Maybe I would go back, But I don't mind because many would go back also. But no way will a nuclear bomb kill 3 million people in LA. It would take a bomb of 1 Megaton. A suitcase bomb is 1 Kiloton. So the most a suitcase bomb could kill is a stadium full of people, about 50,000, not more.

  • Robdar

    Sure, if the above scenario happened, it would be Armageddon. But it would be a man made Armageddon, not one where the wrath of God swoops down in order to destroy his enemies. I will never go back to a KH unless it is to play silly apostate tricks on them.


  • JH

    Lets go back to SEPT 11, 2001 and see what people wanted to do when they saw the events in New York and Washington.


    Yes, many people go back to God when they are scared.So I guess if your scenario happened, then many would go back to the halls.

    My 2 cents(canadian) worth

    Edited by - jh on 29 December 2002 17:27:40

  • Skeptically Yours
    Skeptically Yours


    When I first read your post I thought it was too apocalyptic, definitely JW mentality at its best. But, then, you know, stuff like this is really plausible! So, what would I do?!

    So help me God, if something like this or worse ever happens I hope to have the courage to do as I've planned: I shall lower my head in sign of respect for higher powers and recite the Lord's prayer (in Spanish) just as he taught us and it's registered in the Bible. Then wait 'til the chips fall where they may.

    Take care!

  • freedom96

    Interesting post. I just finished watching "The Sum of All Fears" a couple of days ago, dealing with the issue of such an attack.

    First, I agree with a previous post, that a nuke that filled the back of a truck could certainly take out a large city.

    No, the idea of Armeggedon would never have come into my mind.

    I sure hope that I never see something like that in my lifetime. I am in my early 30's and want to live to be an old man.

    I also agree with a previous post that other nations would likely not care if we were to strike back, given the conditions of the first post. Other nations certainly saw the destruction of what happened on 9/11, and there was not too much crap given us about wanting to strike back.

    I think big nations like the US, Russia, etc, know and realize the power and destruction of a nuke, and they respect that. I do not believe that there are going to be a bunch of countries suddenly shooting nukes all over. The ones that we have to worry about are the lunatics like Saddam, and Bin Ladin.

    Remember, in large countries, to launch a strike using a nuke, several people with unlock codes must be used in order to do it. For example, President Bush could not sit there and say screw it and press a button. Much more complicated than that. However, you get a dictator like Saddam, all he has to do is give the order, (if he were to get one) and the missile would be launched. Another reason in my opinion that we must strike hard, strike fast those like him, and Bin Ladin, so that they don't have the chance to screw things up for the rest of the world. Do you really think they care? If you see what they have done to their own land, their own people, they obviously have no regard for human life at all.

  • Yizuman

    In my opinion, Saddam should have been killed during the Gulf War a long time ago. This mess would have been resolved right then and there and we would not have to deal with this again like we are doing now. Plus this would have saved the US Military dollar today if Saddam gotten offed last time.

    Now we're spending crapload of money again like we did last time and it's costing us taxpayers more money that is unneccesarly needed to be spent. *sigh*


  • Navigator

    Actually, a 1 megaton weapon isn't that large if you are using Hydrogen bomb technology. You could easily fit a half-dozen of them in an 18 wheeler. Unless the terrorists steal one, the technology is way beyond them. Atomic weapons are much more simple. As Francois pointed out, they are detectable. Would that make one want to go back to the Kingdom Hall? Don't think so! Even a stopped clock is right twice each day.

  • Gamaliel


    You have been following the news ...on Iraq... Finally.. .war...The Economy...finally caves in and major retailers fold...You figure it is not affecting you personally, and go to sleep as if it is a normal day.

    Well I don't know how plausible this scenario is for me. I won't sleep well if we go to war on Iraq. I can just barely imagine a scenario where the folding of major retailers won't affect me personally either. The entire national economy is now very tightly wound together. I or at least many of friends would lose their jobs.

    The next day ...a nuclear bomb has detonated in the USA, ... LA burning in ruins. People are dead and burning ...Disneyland, Hollywood, Downtown LA, all in flames .... The...nuke came from North Korea ... detonated from a vehicle...government has banned travel ...declared martial law ...a... curfew, all people found on the streets will be shot and considered a threat to the United States. You sit there watching the news all day and seeing the world in what seems to be complete chaos. Three million people are estimated to be dead in the LA area alone, with millions more injured and expected to die of the nuclear fall-out, and radiation burns. Just as you start to relax , the news updates ...

    I'm already not sleeping well, and now I can start to relax???

    My brother and I both watched the second plane hit the second WTC tower. He was a few blocks away, close enough to see people jump. I was "across the river" trying to decide whether to come into the city where I work, thinking it might have been an accident. I turned around immediately when I saw the second plane. Truth is, I was surprised at how quickly we all relaxed. For a few days I was angry at how easy it was for many people to be flippant about it.

    ...how would you feel? Would it waken up some hidden fear inside of you to run back to the Kingdom Hall? Would it make you think this is the end? It is easy to say, "I would never go back" when all is going well, but history has proven that life can change with no notice. How would you really react?

    The word "Armageddon" would definitely come to mind, because I no longer attach any Biblical significance to the word, and what you describe sounds like my idea of Armageddon. I only think of it now in situations like you describe: secular, man-made catastrophic events. Your idea is right, I'm sure, that a lot of people would go back.

    (I personally would surely think of it, but I really can't see any logical connection with going back to the Kingdom Hall and any Armageddon. But with family still in, I'd think it was the only way to possibly comfort them. They're just outside of LA.)

    Even if it was some kind of a "Biblical" Armageddon, I would not rush back to the one religion that so uniquely proved it had no expertise in these matters. Still, social activity will bring necessary comfort and those churches that keep people busy talking and proving to themselves that they are right would have greater appeal than ever before.

    The JWs just reported on a service year that started just a week or so before 9/11. Every mathematical indication (to me) was that there would be a 1% loss in the US and a flat 0% increase worldwide. (Btw, a 1% loss per year would still take a couple thousand years to get rid of JW's completely.) Their entire increase, and that extra percent in the US, is therefore due to 9/11, in my book.

    I did like the post. Thought-provoking.


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