Did you/Do you actually LIKE Field Service?

by LovesDubs 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • RedhorseWoman

    Hated it.....absolutely hated it. My three years pioneering were probably the worst of my life.

    I can remember one time that I went out in service with my sister. I was probably around 14 or so, and very shy. She insisted that I do the talking. The householder was working outside in his garden, and we walked up to greet him. My greeting consisted of, "Good morning, my name is....." and then my mind went totally blank. I didn't know who I was or why I was there. My sister refused to come to my rescue, so I just stood there staring at the poor man for several minutes unable to speak a word.

  • VeniceIT

    HMMm well I hate to be the oddball (but I'm getting used to it) I loved service for the most part. I was glad when I got to sleep in though if I was up on my time. I think it was becuase my mom always made it so fun, ever since I was a kid. We'd stop at the park for break, or wade in the river at lunch, we always did things in service to appreciate nature and life! I like selling and I love people, I love being with people especially when all my friends pioneerd and we'd spend the day out in the coutry laughing, telling, jokes, singing! We did get in some fights a few times, but those were fun too sometimes!

    Nothing I loved more then getting into 1914 ohh I loved the chronology, it was moms passion and it made so much sense (HAHAHHAHAHAHAHH!!!). When we saw the truth about that I laughed so hard at all the times I had explained it to people, why couldnt' they grasp it ahhahahahha!

    I too have a ton of service stories,I liked some of the 'alternative service' ideas, like park witnessing (hmmm no ones in the park at 9:30am, but we have kids in the group and can count our time walking through the lovely park, what's not to love). I enjoyed business territory, cause it was quick and brief, and you placed a ton of mags, and it was a nice break!

    Phone witnessing I FLAT OUT REFUSED to do. I don't know why, but I had no intenetions of even trying. I remember some of the sisters would get so self rightous if they planned on doing it, I was like SCORE that means you won't be in my cargroup! I like to drive so I didn't mind in service at all (especially if you had known the other drivers AAAAAAAAA).

    I don't miss it though, not one bit. Sure the friends I miss and some of the good times, but service no!


  • IndependantSpirit

    I used to love service. Pioneered for 3 years & had a great time at it.. But I lived in a cool rural area, & was out by myself most of the time. I really dug meeting random people, & I'd just hang out & shoot the bull with them, we'd talk for a half hour about the car they were restoring, the well they were drilling, anything really, & I figured since they knew I was a JW & I wasn't trying to beat them to death with it, & I wasn't trying to judge them, that was almost a witness enough. I'd usu. try to work in something about the bible, but if I didn't place something with them, it didn't really matter. In addition I felt good because I really believed in what I was doing, maybe it was innocence, maybe niƩvety, but sometimes I wish I could believe now, the same way as I did then.
    I don't know how long I's been since I've been inactive, a year or two. I don't know when I stopped counting my time. I still love walking around & meeting random people when I have the time, talking to them about their lives, exchanging world views.. only now instead of a book-bag I carry this old wooden camera on an old wood tripod & a box of sheet film.. I'll talk to random people down at the harbor, the beach, I'll talk to them for a while & maybe photograph them, maybe not..
    I probably wouldn't do that if I wasn't raised knocking on doors.. so It's been a good thing for me..
    Thousands of stories too.. & phone witnessing had.. HAD.. to be a bad joke.. I'd like to see a bunch of computers in the back of every hall & all the old arthritic sisters could try their hand at "Net Witnessing."

  • GinnyTosken

    I didn't care much for talking to people at the doors, but there are other aspects of the experience for which I'm grateful.

    I am grateful to have seen so much of my community at close range. I could have gotten this experience as an adult as a census taker, I suppose, but what 6-year-old gets this sort of experience? Most of my friends only knew people who were very much like themselves socially, religiously, and financially. I saw such a wider spectrum. We called on people who did not have running water and still used outdoor toilets. We called on people who had tennis courts and swimming pools in their backyards. We talked to people at the university, studying for degrees in theology. We talked to highly intelligent people with no schooling at all. We wandered back roads and nooks and crannies I would never have known existed.

    I liked the freshness of the mornings, especially this time of year, walking along the sidewalks, looking at the flowers in people's yards, learning how the outside of a house could often tell much about the people inside.

    I liked working rural territories in the summer, sitting in the car with the doors open, waiting for someone at a long call, watching the green corn sway in the breeze, breathing in the smell of warm earth, hearing the sound of insects buzzing, birds singing, watching butterflies and cows.

    I was embarrassed when I met people I knew out in field service. Still, I'm glad I learned to have the courage to be different, to be unconventional. Many adults I know are still slaves to social pressure and what the ubiquitous "they" will think if they do this or that.

    If I could choose which parts of my JW experience I would keep and which I would throw away, I think I would cling to the experience of field service, much as I often dreaded it.


  • Kristen

    Did you/Do you actually LIKE Field Service?

    Ha ha, good one.

    Top ten reasons why I loved* field service (in no particular order):

    1. I loved the 99% rejection rate
    2. I loved pairing up with people who wouldn't speak 10 words to me in a social setting
    3. I loved pairing up with pregnant sisters dragging their two-year-old by the arm (who wanted to pet the last door's kitty) up the sidewalk, while pleading to go potty
    4. I loved trying to unload the latest set of mags before they got "old"
    5. I loved the quality time I got to spend with my family
    6. I loved writing down not-at-homes and RVs in front of the whole neighborhood in between houses
    7. I loved anticipating which house would be Born Again
    8. Or Atheist
    9. I loved making use of the Conversation Stoppers from the Reasoning Book
    10. I loved giving up every Saturday morning of my life to having a "regular" share in the ministry

    Actually, each week a dread would come over me on Friday night, anticipating Saturday morning service. It took everything out of me. By time noon rolled around on Saturday, I was elated. I often hoped for rain or for nobody to be home. Sometimes I knocked lightly to avoid talking to anyone. I stopped filling out time slips LONG ago. And eventually I just stopped going. What a RELIEF!

    And how refreshing it is to take a normal walk in the neighborhood these days without carrying a bookbag!


  • TR

    I would rather NOT post a picture of, guess who?!
    than go go out in field service.

    Of course there were interesting instances that I'll never forget. Like the time I was walking down the sidewalk with an elderly JW when I spotted a lady pushing a wheelbarrow down her driveway toward her car. As I got closer, I could see a big, white, and apparently dead dog in the wheelbarrow. While we were walking past the lady's house, I could see a pained expression on her face as she was trying to heft the dog into the trunk of her car. This dog was a huge German Shepherd, and there was no way she was going to lift it, then dump it into the trunk. At that moment, I felt sorry for her, and ran to help. She grabbed the front legs, and I grabbed the hind legs. We swung the dog, and on the count of three we pitched the dog into the trunk. The only problem was, the car was one of those tiny Toyota Tercels with a miniscule trunk. The dead dog's legs were still protruding from the trunk. So, I crammed the legs down into the trunk just far enough to be able to shut the lid.

    Needless to say, the lady thanked me profusely. She explained that the dog was an old family dog that the kids grew up with. When he died, she wanted to dispose of him before the kids got home from school so as to not upset them. We both breathed a sigh of relief. She was so thankful that she insisted on buying my magazines.(she of course could see my book bag) I was about to tell her about the rags, when the elderly JW woman I was with cut in front of me and said with a sneer, "this is MY call, you got to talk to the last one."


  • Introspection

    Actually I got pretty gung-ho at one point, didn't last long though. I must say though that talking to householders with different beliefs probably helped me move on, because you do have to atleast kind of listen to them, and I always thought it was fair to really hear what they have to say anyway, so you never know..

  • mommy

    Independent spirit,
    That was really great thank you!
    I too love the smell of the early morning.
    Thank you all for sharing, both of you took me on a little trip though and I thank you.

  • riz


    That was hilarious. You go to all that trouble, and Little Miss Opportunist harshes your gig. Some people. [8>]


  • qwerty

    Doubtingsister hit the nail on the head for me "I hated the salesman feel to it all and I hated bothering people in the morning".

    What about being blackmailed into thinking that the "work" is showing love for our fellow man, if we don't want to go out on FS it shows a lack of love on our part! That sucks as far as I am concerned. I found it very difficult to cultivate this forced love. Breaking free from having to go along with the guilt trips at the KH really helps. That since not viewing everyone out side the bOrg as worldly, fit for death if they don't listen, but that they are just fellow human beings, with imperfections, perhaps better Christian than myself (although they might not view themselves as such). I found I have cultivated real love for people (proper love, effection for straingers) since knowing the TRUTH. Does this ring true for any of you?

    Thank you Kindly (Due South Class)

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