Just got off the phone to Dad

by Gizmo 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gizmo

    My dad has no idea how to use a puter let alone get on the net.

    So I rang him up just now...and told him what I've been up to...about this site and all, and how it's helped me found out a whole lot of information, usually hidden from the R&F and how some ex JW's are doing a really great job, by staying on the inside and doing what they can to provide info to expose corrupt dealings by the GB....he was flabbergasted...and I might add very impressed,,,LOL Isn't that cool?

    Well I told him there are spies everywhere now, and the WTS is really starting to feel the affects...pity the net wasn't around years ago huh guys? Anyway..to cut a long story short....I asked him during his time as the PO in his cong. did he ever have to deal with any Paedophile cases....He answered NO! Which is great that he didn't...I told him did he know of any Paedophile cases and he said not before you gave me all the info....So, there are still many in the ORG that don't know guys...so


    And to all the sleuths out there...keep up the great work.


  • rebel


    Is your Dad still a JW? Is he still an elder? Were you an elder? You must be very brave if he is still in the organsation. He wouldn't 'turn you in', would he? I am still pretty guarded when I speak to JWs just in case - some of them are pretty sneaky. I mean, I have heard so many stories on this board where people are rejected by their own flesh and blood - just goes to show you don't know who to trust.


  • Gizmo

    Thanks fo replying Rebel :) good to know someone at least read my post.

    Well Dad is very old now and is not well at all, so he isn't active, but he was a PO. Like many people my dad too has questions about the society...and he secretly read COC ssshhhhhh.

    My Dad is one of the sweetest nicest people I ever knew and is really the only person in this world that I TOTALLY trust, so to answer your question, No Dad would never turn me in, he knows my feelings. I gave him some articles on the paedophilia scandal, and he assured me that during his time at the congregations, he never dealt with any cases or knew about any paedophilia goings on.

    I asked him if there had ever been any branch letters to the congregations as to how to deal with any perpetrators of such abuse...and he said that he at least never saw any such correspondence....he was also the secretary so he would have seen this correspondence had it come in. Today however things may be different...that's why I'm so glad people on the inside who have access to correspondence are active in making things public.

    Thanks again for your reply rebel...happy new year!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ER - Well I just saw your thread and thought id answer too. Its strange how some threads that you think will get a lot of hits are "slow burners".Theres just no telling around here.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Howdy ER!

    Man, your dad sounds like my father-in-law. Your description fits almost perfectly. Although after I got him to read Crisis of Conscience he told me that he agreed with everything Ray Franz had to say, but he was still going to go to meetings and stay a Witness. I think it's a fear thing, being that old it's hard to change after all this time.





    You and your father are both brave men and are to be commended. Reading your posts about the pedophiles reminds me of my cousin who lives in Brampton Canada currently. She is an adult now. However, she recently has told me of her experiences when she was a mere small jw toddler.

    Wearing her cute little pouffy jw dresses at about 18 months of age, she recalls a brother who used to take her off the jw property after the Sunday meetings and SELL her to dirty old men. She was so traumatized by it that she could not go to a KH. Once she even witnessed a man - -- who after having sex with her - - - hung himself!

    Last I heard she is attending meetings again, after about 20 years of therapy. When she was about 30, she finally told the elders. Of course, the so-called brother who did those horrible things is still a member in good standing .... jw rules, you know ... no witnesses to the vile deed, so it could not have happened.

    Again ... jws protect the guilty and further victimize the victim. NO WAY is that any organization of God!!!

    I am glad that there are some on the "inside" still trying to help. Dunno how effective your plan is, I do commend you for your efforts. I know that I'm glad I escaped. I am trying to heal from the "jw fear" thing, still. I am making some progress, I think. . . .don't think I would survive if I went back in any form.

    My heart goes out to all the silent lambs.


  • Gizmo

    Wow Estee_TX

    Wearing her cute little pouffy jw dresses at about 18 months of age, she recalls a brother who used to take her off the jw property after the Sunday meetings and SELL her to dirty old men. She was so traumatized by it that she could not go to a KH. Once she even witnessed a man - -- who after having sex with her - - - hung himself!

    This sounds very familiar to me....I have an acquantance whose daughter was abused by a close relative that later hanged himself...unfortunately this woman has developed a very serious psychiatric problem now...and because of this problem was actually difellowshiped....she has repeatedly attempted suicide...and each time failed? She literally is living in HELL here on earth and her parents are so hurt by all the betrayal....but they still believe God in his own time will end all this?????

    In the mean time their daughter suffers terribly...mind you not much can be done about it now...the guy is dead.

    And thanks for all the kind words guys....I'll tell dad and he'll be happy you called him Brave...LOL


  • animal

    Lucky bastard.... I was born to parents and all I got to show for it is this tshirt...



  • sinner

    i dont know ur forum rules so forgive me ....

    but just for your information i can agree there r peodophiles with in the congregations..... because i used to do security in order to stay awake at assemblys and was assigned to follow a few ....and secondly it goes un reported because of the elders attitude with regard to involving outside authorities.....

    you know being disassociated can be lonely at times as brought up a witness i lost everyone in my family and they are strict so they have had no contact with me since i did it in the summer, but god am i glad i left and i am out .... yes the world is a scary place .... but i would face that, then the hypocrisy and rules that apply to everyone except those who have to carry them out ....

    nuff said

  • ugg


    this is so sad.....their thinking is just so sick,,,,i never knew none of this when i was in...it is unbelievable how a person can be so cut off from things,,,even while "in"

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